Save Tula-Tu

I'm with the protesters here. That poor one-month-old baby elephant at the Oregon Zoo in Portland needs to be sent to a sanctuary, along with her mother. Life in a zoo is cruel and sadistic, and Portland is actually the worst offender. The elephants at the Oregon Zoo are all profoundly damaged creatures. Tula-Tu deserves much better than that torture. What a horrible lesson to teach our kids. Metro, for shame!


  1. At least they’re not being used to build a railroad thru Washington Park.

  2. And virtually every media outlet is complicit.

    1. They aren’t smart enough to be complicit. The just follow the easy stories (press releases) and never bother to ask follow-up questions.

    2. What's I meant. Yep.

  3. I can remember as a 4th grader being so excited about the birth of Packy. The Weekly, Portland Reporter, had a front page cartoon dedicated to the new baby elephant. I can remember going to the zoo to see him. The zoo in the 1960's was way more depressing than what it is today, but still it depresses me to see large and intelligent animals basically imprisoned and put on display for our entertainment.


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