He's one of ours

I see that Eric Ueland, the guy whom Mudface Caligula has nominated to be deputy director for management in the Office of Management and Budget, is a Northeast Portland boy from back in the day. He was Central Catholic Class of '84. Then he went off to the Jesuits at the University of San Francisco, and from there to the nation's capital. He's been a Republican foot soldier, first on the Hill and then at the White House, just about ever since.

I was interested in the guy – and surprised I'd never heard of him – until I came across across this pile of schlock that he wrote last summer.

Donald Trump fought to the top of business, decided to enter presidential politics and won the highest office in the land. He left office the subject of scorn and derogation with the law, and the left snapped at his heels.

Yet through travails that would test the best of us, he persevered, earned his party’s support, and stands poised to reclaim the White House as president of the United States. A mercifully failed assassination attempt recently gave this perseverance emphatic punctuation....

Mr. Trump’s comeback journey is part of what makes his effort to reclaim the presidency and rally supporters to his banner incredibly strong. This fall, voters will finish the greatest American comeback our nation has witnessed. Once he is in office again, the Trump agenda will restore America’s greatness.

Whew, I'll take a pass. Washington can have him. And Central Catholic, you owe us.


  1. I don't know if they're all related, but I think there were Uelands at St. Rose parish. I think the dad was a real estate guy, and likely an old school catholic republican.

    1. The dad was indeed a real estate guy. Big Hollywood business booster, too, I think. You wonder whether he would have gone full Nazi with the current crew.

    2. Can you explain Nazi please. Were they putting people in concentration camps, peeling their skin off while alive, concentrating them in camps, what? Anything? Fuck whitey comes to mind.

    3. Could you actually type mudface as well without a smirk. You are too white to actually say Nigger, but you feel it.

    4. Have you seen caligula's facepaint? Deep orange, with the outer edges unplastered, and a pasty white.

  2. "You can fool some of the people all of the time. . ."

  3. Minor player in Macbeth. The headliners make noise.


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