Fantasy baseball

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  1. Let's see, so many pretty pictures, so many site locations. Wasn't Delta Park on the list at one time? And the article mentioned 150 million in a loan for the upfront costs. Aren't stadiums running closer to one billion dollars these days? Given the budget shortfalls for the city and county, and the no-touch-em kicker, plus the current political/economic environment, I have my doubts.

    1. For openers, it's a bad site. Way too cramped. Terrible access. No parking.

    2. Finally a voice of sanity. Try getting an ambulance down to the OHSU facility for hours before or after games.

  2. What do you mean: no access? Light rail runs adjacent to the site and everyone will use light rail to get to ball games. Plus you get a fentanyl hit for a little buzz on the way to the games.

  3. The real estate market indicates that no MLB is coming to the South Waterfront. Friends of mine finally sold a 2-bedroom condo in the nearby, fancy Strand after almost a year on the market at a $205K loss from the purchase price 8 years ago.

  4. You know it’s a slow news month in Portland’s media when someone dredges up the Major League Baseball stadium delusion.

  5. I bet it does happen, Jack. And much sooner than you think….

  6. Not gonna happen....City Hall support will wither and die. Billion $ for a stadium?.....rotsa ruck.

  7. Major League Baseball--a cartel--is in deep doo-doo. ESPN just cut MLB loose from its TV contract. Big city teams such as the Yankees and Dodgers cut their own local TV deals; small-town teams can't budget for superstar players and are only cannon fodder for the bigs. To think that a failing little city can compete in that market is insanity--a Portland specialty.

  8. An eyesore! Looks like 10 pounds of poop was stuffed in five pound bag.

    1. We used to call that a blibit.

  9. What's happening in Hillsboro and Eugene right now should be a cautionary tale for anyone looking to get into the baseball game. A few years ago, Baseball told the Hops their ten-year-old stadium no longer met minimum standards. The city responded by building a brand new one right next door. In Eugene, Baseball has deemed the U of O baseball stadium (the finest on the west coast!) to be substandard. The city and county down there are trying to figure out how to save that team.

    MLB is no different. They're gonna start squeezing cities for upgrades or all new parks to replace perfectly fine current ones.

    Add to that, we're due for another '96-level flood in these parts and next year's looming lockout...why do this?

  10. Crappy play (and ownership) aside, the main reason I never attend Blazer games is the traffic and parking around the stadium on game night. There is no way I will deal with the same infrastructure issues for baseball either. Besides, doesn't the downtown barista demographic prefer soccer anyway?

  11. Do it Portland. DO IT.


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