Dysentery. Really.

I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be reading about dysentery being a thing in my local community. It's a problem everywhere, but by U.S. standards, it's especially bad here in Portland. I suspect it's partly due to too many people emulating what they saw in training films on pornography websites. But the main cause is probably all the human feces in public places from the Rose City's huge street population. They don't call them squatters for nothing.

I guess I'm not as shocked as I might have been 20 years ago. After Covid, no health crisis is implausible. Wait 'til the bird flu jumps to humans, and Mudface Caligula and Crazy Bobby are in charge of the response. Here in Oregon the boss may be in Palo Alto, leaving Chevy Vega to run the show. Don't take those jigsaw puzzles to Goodwill just yet.

In the meantime, wow, dysentery. I guess you could think of it as kind of a historical re-enactment.


  1. I wish the local legacy media had people like Jack on their staff.

  2. Local legacy media DID have staff like Jack...but the staff of those outlets committed the sin of getting "old," going bald or making "too much money." As a result, bright, young shiny faces who don't make those big (HA!) salaries have taken over.

  3. When in Potland its best to wear a surgical mask on dry and windy days.

  4. Dysentery of the mind as well….

  5. Re-enter the maskers, led by our very own "Teacher Tiffany," pretty in a pink N95 at a recent City Council circle-jerk with the county. These types are waiting and wishing for their next assault on the Bill of Rights. Of course, the Oregonian, which spent a year on a project to tell us their first publishers were racists won't touch the lockdowns with a barge-pole...mostly because they enabled and propagandized it.

  6. Aggrieved white guy in the house. Poor baby.


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