Making the rounds

The Portland chamber of commerce wheeled out some economist types last week to warn that the city's heading into an "urban doom loop," if it isn't in one already. Businesses flee, tax receipts go down, the politicians cut services and raise local taxes, more businesses flee, tax reeipts go down further, more service cuts, more taxes, you get the picture.

It's not just the taxes that have people leaving town, but taxes are a big reason for many departures. Anybody worth more than a million bucks knows they need to get out of Dodge and not die a resident of Oregon – the hideous state estate tax was in the news last week, too.

Of course, the warnings are falling on deaf ears. The socialists on the City Council could care less. Ditto for the bobbleheads on the county commission, school board, port authority, transit board, and that extra layer of government you didn't know you needed, Metro. They've all got new taxes on their minds at all times. Not to mention the face cards in Salem. 

Instead of dreading the doom loop, maybe we should embrace it. Set up a thrill ride by that name in Oaks Park. Or rename one of the sports teams the Doom Loopers. How about a Doom Loop pub crawl?


  1. The tax issues are just the final straw in the abandonment of the area. Leading up to that was the adoption of non government organizations and we shouldn’t forget the residue of Antifa.

  2. I wouldn’t describe the bobble heads as socialists. Just ignorant rubes who don’t understand basic economics.

    1. Seems like those ignorant ones are proliferating on both sides of the political aisle. A sad reflection on education in this country.

    2. I call them socialists because at least a third of them are literally members of a group that proudly goes by that name.

  3. It saddens me to say, but Potland is over! I credit Ma Anand Sheela's dumping to homeless folks on the city streets and Uncle Bud's nonsense as the seeds of demise. Its time to build a fence.

    1. Uncle Bud was a far better mayor than many of his successors.

    2. I thought Portland was "over" after the 2020 downtown riots? I wonder when it will be "over" the next time.

    3. It's still over, my friend. It hasn't stopped being over in at least five years.

  4. How people who think they're sane can ding the "socialists" and then vote for the machine amazes me. This town is one big experiment in cognitive dissonance.

    1. I thought the socialists were the machine in Portland.

  5. Ignore reality. Sounds like a good policy to me, not really sure what you guys are smoking.

  6. Who benefits from a city in a doom loop?

    The Potters of the world.

    I'm not talking about Harry Potters. The beneficiaries of the doom loop will be the Henry Potters. Portland voters like to think they are electing George Bailey's, but their decisions are counterproductive.

    Portland already looks much worse than Potterville.

  7. Lets not confuse the Potters with the Plotters who have plans of what to do with the carcass.


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