High maintenance

Here in Portland, we have a regional income tax to provide services to the homeless, and it's raised more than a billion dollars in just a few years. But the chair of the Multnomah County Commission, Jessica of Council Crest, says it's not enough.  She's got a budget crisis on her hands, she says, and the other governments around here had better start flowing more funds her way, or else all that great progress being made on the city's streets will grind to a halt.

Back in the early '70s, we had a technical term for this type of person. It was "space cadet."

The strangeness at the county is profoundly sad, of course, but also funny in a way. Sit back and enjoy the comedy stylings of the other government bobbleheads as they react to the latest antics of the Vega.

“To me personally, it wasn’t just disappointing, it was actually quite jarring,” said Metro Council President Lynn Peterson at a Monday afternoon meeting on Metro’s supportive housing service tax, which helps fund the county’s homeless program. 
At that same meeting, Portland Mayor Keith Wilson said he was caught “flat-footed” by the news, Multnomah County Commissioner Julia Brim-Edwards said she was “surprised” and Clackamas County Commissioner Ben West said he was “deeply disappointed.” Earlier Monday, Gov. Tina Kotek told reporters that she was “dismayed” by what appeared to be lack of transparency from Multnomah County.... 
Most placed the blame squarely at the feet of Multnomah County Chair Jessica Vega Pederson.

“Chair Vega Pederson’s actions on Friday highlight the trust issues the electorate has with the government in general,” said Peterson. “We can’t keep telling the voters of the region we can do big things and then let them down.”...

“The first inescapable fact is that Multnomah County has failed dismally, both in comparison to the other counties and, most importantly, on an absolute scale,” said West. He called for an independent audit of Multnomah County’s budget.

“It would be insulting to ask Clackamas County taxpayers to bridge this financial gap without explanation,” he said....

“We do not believe this is how partnership and collaboration should be forged,” Wilson said.  

You wish that the voters in the region would wise up and put some adults in the big chairs. But they never do it, and the Multnomah County commission is Exhibit A.  I can't wait to see who they hire to be the chief operating officer of the county. The hack quotient is likely to be high.


  1. If we don't change our responses to homelessness, we will continue to see millions flushed down the toilet every year. We don't even need an audit to see that.

    1. But, a real audit would be very entertaining

  2. Well, on the bright side, at least they're all good Democrats. Thank God for that.

    1. Shouldn’t you be busy practicing your Nazi salute?

    2. That's right, any contrary view is consumate evil.

    3. The current White House certainly is.

  3. (R)s have irresponsibly been deemed toxic, so no way any of them will get elected. We’re (D)oomed.

    1. These are nonpartisan offices, so it's not like county voters could choose by party if they wanted. But they deserve blame for continuing to vote for clueless progressives. It's part of their identity and it's a waste of your time to try to persuade them at this point.

  4. Quite the incorrigible group of reactionaries this blog has cultivated.

    1. They hang out in the Willamette Weed comments. They come over here to troll even those they agree with.

  5. Of course this is the result of not one person really giving a sh!t. They talk a good talk (well not really) but have no idea how to prioritize and strategize the major operation needed. I think a lawsuit of malfeasance of public funds is the only way to get action. Remember there is still after decades no meaningful engagement with the homeless. The recent cold snowy night, nary an aid worker was to be found. They don't G-damn care. If they did, we would have a mental hospital and other centers where we can give them a chance to get back on their feet. Housing is a solution for some, but certainly not all.

  6. The people that are being elected, and hired, to run things are so unqualified that you wouldn't trust them to run down to the store and pick up a quart of milk for you.

    1. They might be incompetent, but they aren’t cruel people who revel in others’ misfortune.

    2. They are cruel because of their imcompetence!

    3. It's unintentional, unlike the economy crashers in DC.

  7. It would be nice if there were calls for her resignation, either by The O, WW and even better, some of her fellow leaders.

  8. Where’ the d’ing money??? They’ve collectively collected over a BILLION dollars.
    Probably in a secret account in the Caribbean.

  9. Interesting segment on The Story (channel 8, KGW) tonight, Wednesday, on the budget shortfall. Seems the city and county had a joint meeting, but as usual, there isn't much data on outcomes. Some pretty graphs with percentages, but not all the data. One of the guys on city council pointed out all the administrative managers making 120k +, and called for reductions to help cover the shortfall. As I was flipping back and forth with the Blazers, not sure to which entity he was referring.

  10. Portland business interests (and others) are gearing back up for a JVP recall. They put the brakes on their efforts last year, but you’ll see a big announcement by early April. Signature gathering will start soon after and hopefully roll into a recall campaign.

  11. I'm not a fan of recalls unless the public gets new and categorically different information about an elected official, after that official was voted in. To anyone with eyes to see, it was already clear when she was running that JVP is a marginally-competent politician at best, whose only real talent is tossing up word salad. Voters chose that, and that's what we've got.

  12. Any recall will fail. Smart money would be lining up a challenger and assembling all the dirt on Chevy Vega in one place. I think Meieran could beat her in a rematch, and there are probably some others. And unelectable bozos like Creepy Sam need to be scared away.

    1. Forced resignation, perhaps? Next election isn't until 2026, correct?

    2. 54,907 signatures in 90 days. In the current climate, with her approval rating at the Earth's core, it seems like it has a fighting chance with a funded effort. Cmon Jordan Schnitzer, cough it up!


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