Great moments in parenting



  1. But which one is the grown up?

  2. Which would come closest to passing a standard 5-panel drug screen?

    1. Trick question! “None of them” would be the right answer.

  3. The kid is dressed better than the dad

  4. If you know who these people are, you are part of the problem because you watch way too much television and read way too many newspapers and magazines (online or off). Take a break from the profit-cranking media circus that wants you sucked into their stay-alive-via-schadenfreude-news-process. The best news is in your backyard where springtime is occurring right now and nature has awakened to greet you to it. Think local, act micro-local and you will be happier.

  5. Replies
    1. You can't remain a member of the tribe unless you blindly trust the chosen leader.

  6. Can anyone articulate what exactly is for caring? For instance the food from USAID is said to be going bad. Okay, is that top of the line food, freshly preserved and uncompromised and ready for deliery or shit that has been sitting in a warehouse and needs to be off the books? Or some kind of happen stance in between. None of that is made clear, was it on the books for gender diversity only or detained ILLEGAL immigrants but now can't be used for that purpose, where are the details man, c'mon.


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