Follow the bouncing pol

A couple of the local politicians who were handed their walking papers by the voters last fall were in the news last week, concerning their future employment. Mike Schmidt, the ex-Multnomah County D.A., has been hired as in-house counsel at the Urban League of Portland. Apparently his is a newly created position.

Mikey will probably be busy. That outfit has a juicy scandal every few years. He won't say how much he's being paid, but I'll bet it's a darn sight less than what he pulled in as county D.A.: when last I heard, it $272,725 a year plus beni's. We'll know his salary when the Urban League files its Form 990 for the current year with the IRS, but that's a looooong way off. 

Meanwhile, "Chainsaw" Carmen Rubio, the notorious scofflaw bounced from Portland City Hall, is apparently in the running to be the new chief operating officer of Multnomah County. They're reportedly down to two finalists; I'd be surprised if she weren't one of them. She'd replace her good buddy, Serena Cruz, another ex-politician, who was banking a cool $280,000 a year or so before quitting under unknown circumstances late in 2024. Cruz's credentials for that gig were questionable at best, but Rubio's are downright laughable.

Can you imagine if either one of them had to get a real job?


  1. Many of a commenter have asked whether Rubio's new gig would include a paid parking spot.

  2. She will have free parking, in the employee garage across the street from MultCo HQ (connected by a nice weather-proof skyway over Hawhtorne). However, I pity the people parked next to her in that garage. Might find a ding in their car one day, but no note under the windshield. The county would be wise to install extra security cameras in the garage, in order to keep her honest. Probably over her desk as well – since we have video proof that she will try to get away with unethical behavior if she thinks no one's watching.


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