Stepping up to the unthinkable

I know this family. I have enjoyed the hospitality of their wonderful home. Never in a million years would I have expected to read this story. All best hopes and intentions their way.


  1. I saw a loal tv news blurb about them as well… local SoCal news that is.

  2. Interview with an Oregon fire fighter sent down there and how screwed up the whole thing is, and has been for a long time:

    1. This is a work of fiction. It won't stop folks from believing every last word.

  3. In all sincerity, I don't want to use this situation to make political points as many are doing. It's heartbreaking and tragic. However, it illustrates what happens when a government spends a substantial amount of taxpayer money on things unrelated to primary governmental functions such as security, fire services and high-functioning infrastructure. The situation in L.A. should be a wake-up call for Portland/Metro taxpayers and government. We're heavily taxed, but still budget-strapped? I'm in favor of pre-school and helping those in need, but we're wasting enormous sums of taxpayer resources while funds for the basics are constrained. In my opinion, our priorities have gotten totally out of whack. Will we learn the LA. lesson?

    1. Why in the world didn't they put up big screens to block the 100mph winds? Crazy.

    2. Like no one knows that area regularly has high, dry winds on a regular basis? How obtuse are you?

    3. Thus the need for screens.

    4. I'd love to hear an explanation for how any amount of money and resources could overcome an 85 mph wind blowing bone dry 85° air across an entire region. There isn't enough equipment on the west coast to overcome those conditions. But sure, let's blame the children.

    5. A supply of water might have helped

    6. A municipal water system isn't equipped to deal with what happened. You can have the biggest reservoir in the world at the top of the hill, filled to the rim, and it wouldn't have mattered. But seriously, let's blame the women in charge.

    7. Your reply is the winner for the most ridiculous comment yet.


      Even Joe Rogan knew what was coming.

    9. Thanks for the video clip. The scales have fallen from my eyes, because if it was on Joe Rogan, well... Good to know that California government's response has been flawless and there was absolutely nothing that could have been done to mitigate the single greatest threat to livability in that area.

    10. Natural disaster happens. Government people bad! Hulk smash government!

      Everybody has lots of bright ideas, now, while it's happening. Nobody seemed to have them before. It's L.A. though, so it must be the libruls fault. Maybe shut up and see what you can do to help.

    11. Actually, I'm a great believer in the power of good governance. A lot of people had ideas pertaining to what to do years before the disaster started. It's just that California leadership had other priorities. In this instance, it's come back to bite them in a big way.

    12. If you mean limiting urban sprawl, and prohibiting development in and among chaparral canyons that are always going to be vulnerable when 50-100 mile an hour winds are blowing, well, that would help. But you can't do that in America. This short-stroking about 'priorities' is so predictable, and incredibly lame.

    13. I sincerely hope that the guy running California remains the darling of the DNC

    14. Your table's ready, Mr. Dunning-Kruger.

  4. Flash: our long national agony has ended - Sirhan Sirhan has been pardoned

  5. Ugh, I have worked with what is mentioned in the story as 'retardant hydrogel' which I then knew as 'snot' and that for having a similar consistency. Icky, sticky goo that is slow to dry and sticks to everything, including the applicator!

  6. Good on them for being prepared and taking action!


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