Health warning issued for East County

Important medical news for residents of Gresham: They are planning to open a new Trader Joe's out there. And if you get started on the mini-cones, you will be hooked. Be forewarned. They're like the opposite of Ozempic.


  1. Two Buck Chuck brings back memories

  2. Don't worry, nobody will be able to get in there to get the mini cones because Trader Joe's has a corporate policy against building a parking lot capable of holding more than 3 cars.

    1. That's not true. The Holgate lot holds at least 12.

    2. They want 100 dedicated spaces when they rent space, but our zoning generally doesn't allow it. Especially in city of Portland. So don't blame them. It is our local policy. Like building apartments in Portland with NO parking spaces. Your civic leaders, doing what is right!

    3. Go South. Plenty of parking at the Tigard, LO and Beaverton stores. Sure, there's probably some snarky reason not to - no pffefernusse two years in a row was nearly a deal breaker.

  3. Meanwhile, the recently opened Trader Joe's here on Mill Plain Boulevard in Vantucky, has a few hundred parking spaces. Eat your hearts out, Portlandians.

    1. Yeah... But the problem there is you have to shop with Vantuckians. Worse than no parking.

    2. The lack of an air of smug superiority is certainly a different atmosphere.


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