Good eatin'

An alert reader sends along a link to this recent writing about the sleazy profiteering on individual stocks by members of the United States Congress. And of course, a familiar name pops up toward the top of the list.

People call Wyden the third senator from New York, but that's not right. He should be called the senator from Nvidia. All that skyrocketing value can buy a lot of nice fur coats. The chips use a lot of power and send Grandma's electricity bills through the roof, but don't expect that to come up at the next town hall in Hermiston. Or the dirty crypto money, either. 


  1. I never thought Ron was the brightest bulb in the chandelier. But, he seems to have excellent protection from a very competent staff. I don’t understand why journalists ignore his insider trading in the stock market.

    1. Oops. Sorry, that was for the Tommy Tuberville comment.

  2. bonus is proof that Tommy tuberville really is an idiot

  3. Wonder what's in Marjorie Taylor Green's portfolio.

  4. They should have a dashboard in the Senate chambers showing who is leading who in the graft. It's a badge of honor to these sleaze balls. No wonder we are going downhill with increasing speed with the brakes on fire, and for some so is their Lithium battery...

  5. Gotta be the first time Ronnie led the Senate in anything! A 123% one year gain, maybe Clarence Thomas should send him a demand letter……

  6. TIL: Tuberville sucks at being corrupt just as bad as he sucks at being a senator.

  7. Well, let's not forget that Ron married well.

  8. Fraud Lieden and his wife are tremendous pieces of shit.


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