Final underdog season results

Neither Washington nor Buffalo won in today's American pro football games, and so the final standings in our charity underdog game are the same as they were after last week's games. Here are the final rankings for the season:

Final rankPlayerPoint total
1Shoeshine Boy44.5
3Annie B.33
3Roger Goodell33
5Zen Cohac31
6Buster Dog-las30.5
6pitter patter30.5
11Portland Pandemonium27.5
20Andy C.12.5
20Bad Picker12.5
23Stephen F.0

Of the four players at the top, Roger Goodell had the most correct picks with 8. Shoehine Boy had 7, and Air and Annie B. had 6 each.

The biggest 'dogs to win points for our players this year were Dallas at Washington in Week 12 for 10½ points (Shoeshine Boy caught that one, along with Cliff); Chicago at Green Bay in Week 18 for 9½ points (Air alone picked it), and Washington at Detroit in Week 20 for 9½ (Shoeshine Boy, Annie B., and Roger Goodell were on it, along with Linda, Gordon, Buster Dog-las, and Oredogger). 

Roger Goodell clearly wins Rookie of the Year honors. Last year, Shoeshine Boy came in second, Air was eighth, and Annie B. was 14th. Last year's overall winner, Gordon, came in at no. 12 this time around, and Stephen F., last year's first runner-up, was dead last this year. Did he do that on purpose? Only he knows. It's hard to get a goose egg for the season if you pick every week, as he did.

Perhaps most interestingly, this year the favorites pounded the underdogs in the NFL. Last year, 45 points would have put you in seventh place in our game; this year, it would have been a win. 

Congratulations to all, and especially to our top finishers, who will now get to designate the following amounts to their respective eligible charities:

First place - Shoeshine Boy - $400

Second place - Air - $125

Third place (tie) - Annie B. and Roger Goodell - $50 each

Winners, please send the name of your eligible charity to, so that I can get the checks in the mail right away.

It's been another fun year with the 'dogs; I'll decide over the summer whether to do it again next season. But this year's game is now in the books. Thanks to everyone who played it with us. It made Sundays a lot more interesting, and good causes will now benefit.


  1. Thank you, Jack. It was a howl.

  2. Thanks Jack. Gambling for a good cause.always fun.


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