Feast mode activated

The older I get, the better the food seems at holiday time. Especially the stuff that we cook ourselves. Over the past few days, I've visited numerous purveyors of good things to eat. Inevitably, there were trips to Costco and Whole Foods, but the best shopping was at the locally owned shops here in northeast Portland. As many problems as the city has, it's great to see family businesses still getting things done here in high style. My best stops this year were old reliables:

Gartner's Country Meat Market

Providore Fine Foods

Spielman Bagels & Coffee

Helen Bernhard Bakery

Those guys all rock. Our celebrations wouldn't be the same without them. 

And in reserve for when we finish devouring their stuff are provisions from Grandpa's Cafe, under new management but undiminished. There will be many calories to burn later. So be it.


  1. May the feasting begin.🎄

  2. NE Portland classics! What’s your Helen’s order? Every birthday cake anyone in my family has ever ordered (roughly) came from there. And the little chocolate macadamia cookies are a problem.

  3. Our neighborhood bakery was Jacivas which closed this year that really hurt.

  4. I made a Tres Leches Nutella cake (NYT Food section) for our open house today.
    25 folks and it’s nearly gone along with the giant prime rib I cooked this morning, and snacks from Olympia provisions.
    Good times!
    Happy Holidays everyone!

  5. Try Grower's Outlet : 162nd & NE Glisan for locally sourced produce.


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