Variations on a theme

Yesterday I found myself in an unusual situation. I had the current issue of the New Yorker on my lap, and enough time on my hands to read through it.

I wasn't disappointed. It included a neutral-to-friendly profile of Kamala Harris. She's about to make it or break it for this country. It was good to have a summary of where she's been, and we stand, a couple of weeks before the outcome of the election is revealed.

Then they ran a collection of entries from the prison diaries of Alexei Navalny, who is pictured on the cover. Those make for riveting reading.

Nowhere in the magazine is an explicit connection made between the two stories, but it occurs to me that  they're both about the same thing. 

Nine bucks is a lot to ask for a single issue of a weekly magazine, but  if you haven't read it and you see it at a checkout somewhere, you should pick it up. Roz Chast cartoon included.


  1. Always liked the cartoons.
    Never cared much for the editorial content. Probably because I didn’t see things from an east coast prospective. A friend of mind spend decades submitted cartoons. But never got a response.

  2. Sounds like a gaslighting magazine.

  3. I was a New Yorker subscriber for many years. I still keep as a memento the April 25, 2016 issue.

    While the magazine was always known for its witty cartoons, somebody in management had the bright idea to make every cartoon in this issue about Trump, who was then running for president — and destined to lose, according to the media.

    On Page 83 the cartoon by Corey Pandolph shows four, armed ghostbusters taking aim at Trump, and one of them says: “I know we strictly bust ghosts, but I feel this is a shot we need to take.”

    Later when The New Yorker renewal notice arrived, I declined. I still leaf through the magazine occasionally when I’m at the library. If I see this issue you loved so much, I will give it a look.

    Remember your lavish praise of Harris if she’s elected, and we find ourselves at war in a year. She exudes weakness.

    1. I’ll take that over what her opponent and his henchman exude. There’s going to be war, or not, no matter who wins the election. It’s up to Putin, and the Chinese, and Bibi.

    2. Weakness? LOL

      Bret Baier was still stammering this morning after what she did to him last week. That ain't weakness.

    3. Didn’t know Fox News had two Harris interviews. Bean and I obviously watched different ones.

    4. She wasn't there to impress you, friend. She knows you're a lost cause. She was talking to someone else.

      I saw earlier today that Baier is still trying to shake what happened.

    5. Maybe Bean’s sound was turned off?

  4. And here I was swallowing the leftist propaganda that she was a highly regarded prosecutor, Attorney General of California, and a United States senator.

  5. Thanks Jack. Appreciate your perspective. Amazing interview tonight by Rachel Maddow of Yulia Navalnya. I definitely want to read her husband’s book.
    I pulled out Eric Metaxes biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer this week to remind me of what true courage is in the face of fascism. I recommend it.


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