Nonstop drama at the Climate Theater

Suing the oil and gas companies for causing climate change is not necessarily a bad thing. But we don't need everybody and his brother doing it. Some Sierra Club types and a Greta Thornberg or two are all the plaintiffs you need. If the federal EPA wants to hop in, great. Maybe the state utility regulators should participate.

But I have to cringe when I see that the Multnomah County government has to get into the act. That outfit is bungling so many of its core functions that it really ought to stick to the knitting. Busting the chops of the suits at places like NW Natural is all great sport, but given the mess on the streets, the county people don't deserve that much fun. Plus, it's costing a bundle, with three different law firms (including one in Texas and another in California) representing the county so far. That tax revenue should be spent on less quixotic pursuits.

On the other side of the fight, a good chunk of the money that will be burned defending the lawsuit will no doubt come out of the pockets of those evil moms and pops who still cook and heat their homes with gas, as they have all their adult lives. They'll probably get to pay the judgment, too, if the gas company has to fork over big bucks to the Chevy Vegas and Moonlight Beasons of the world. From there, heaven knows what would happen to the money. The county's demanding $51.5 billion.

Some of us, of course, are paying on both ends.

Meanwhile, some NW Natural customers are bringing a different lawsuit, a class action, claiming that the gas company's "Smart Energy" program is phony. It doesn't really help the planet, these kids say. The court action casts a harsh light on what the frackheads' "Smart Energy" deal actually does and doesn't accomplish. To the plaintiffs, it's "greenwash."

I always laugh when I get the pitches for a similar "program" from Pacific Power, asking me to volunteer to pay them more so that they will clean up their act. Straight into the recycling bin the solicitations go. For a while, they were even sending some fairly pushy young people door to door trying to sell me the "clean," "smart," and of course more expensive, electricity. Like I told them, I'm all for cleaner power. The state should require it, and the shareholders of Pacific Power should pay for it out of their dividends. Now get off my lawn. 

What ever happened to the troublemakers who were always trying to get the local energy companies turned into public utility districts, like they have in a lot of Washington State? Instead of filing lawsuits, maybe the greenies should crank those efforts up again.


  1. Part of me hopes the MultCo case goes to trial. The defense’s case will rip the county to shreds over how it mismanaged the response to the heat dome.

  2. Climate models only "work" to show that human added CO2 is the main cause of changing the climate if you exclude the sun, clouds, volcanos, and ocean currents. The amount of heat produced by the huge volcano that exploded near Samoa added tons of warmer water, for just one example. The sun has been very active and very fluctuating recently- as indicated by being able to see the Northern lights very far south. By hey if there is a way to make a buck off fear...

    1. Wish I could find the published data that showed the earth has been slowly warming , in minute amounts, since the 16th century.

    2. Science-free gobbledygook like this, against a nearly unanimous consensus among climate scientists on how greenhouse gases drive warming. Golly, who are you going to believe?

    3. The “science” that told us we won’t get Covid or transmit it if we get the vax? Which science should I follow?

    4. You seem to be confusing two radically different things, and lumping them as some kind of monolithic "science," boogeyman. Which is a bit weird. An overwhelming agreement among climate scientists, based on many decades of study and research is one thing, and a scramble to find solutions to a fast-spreading worldwide pandemic that was killing millions quite another. I think you might be able to understand this.

    5. I always thought that collecting data was the basis of science. Interpreting that data is sometimes corroded by political goals.

    6. Consensus without a valid hypothesis. Kamala voters.

    7. Consensus without any rationality whatsoever is the alternative.

    8. Yet that’s what we have. “global warming” is pure politics. How do I know? Tell me if you’re an R or a D and I’ll know your view on it.

    9. It's well known that the truth has a liberal bias.

    10. You forgot the quotes.

  3. Let's ask Chevy-Vega to tell us abot the pre-industrial "Little Ice Age" that caused a Medieval European famine...or the ""Roman Climate Optimum," in the first century AD, which was followed by suddenly cooler weather which triggered the Antonine Plagues.
    Hand in your exam booklet and get lost.

  4. Are all those people holding signs county employees?

  5. hmmmm......The same organization that passed resolutions declaring :

    an immediate cease fire in the Gaza conflict;
    racism as a public health crisis;
    a 90-day fentanyl emergency;
    support for abortion (which remains legal in Oregon, no matter any Supreme Court decision)

    And, yet, can't get an ambulance to anyone in need of one in an emergency.

    Now, THAT'S leadership in action.

  6. The lawsuit is progressive virtue signaling. And if that's an official Multnomah County photo of the event at the top of the piece, the photographer needs a refresher on diversity and inclusion. Last I heard, men hold up half the sky.


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