No on impeachment (Measure 115)

A thoughtful reader has asked:

In a previous post you said you were voting against all of the statewide ballot measures. I'm inclined to do so as well, but why are you voting against 115, which creates an impeachment process? I understand we already have recall but am not sure that is an argument against impeachment. I can think of an argument against it in my mind, but what is your reasoning?

Here's what I sent back:

Impeachment is abused these days. The politicians use it to make headlines. We’re doing fine without it. Don’t give the Khanh Phams and Lew Fredericks something else to screw around with.

Look at what happened with Shemia Fagan. She was shown the door pretty promptly without resort to an impeachment grandstand and gallows. Let's stop adding new toys, and work on doing a much better job of running the system we have. 


  1. Your best line ever “lets stop adding new toys”

  2. My mind went to Kitzhaber. Same process as Fagen, same result.


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