Mature hardcore

The election porn is now rolling in to Blog Central in earnest. We got a couple of glossy flyers today, both for City Council candidates here in District 2. First there was this guy, who seems to think he's running for a seat on the Tri-Met board of directors. The last time I looked, "on-time public transportation" was not a City Council function.

The last thing we need is another Bikey McBikeface at City Hall. So he's a definite no. Leave him blank.

We also got our third mailing from the mother I'd like to not vote for:

Endorsed by the very people who have run Portland into the ground, she seems like she'd be a hack before she even sat down on the council dais. Plus, "I have been a flack at OHSU" does not impress. Leave her row blank, too. In District 2, the grownups want Bob Simril, Mike Marshall, and Reuben Berlin.


  1. Jack, didn't you notice the endorsements from Eric Sten and Randy Leonard? And Lew Frederick and Jane Cease? This candidate is the gold standard for Portland and Multnomah county.

  2. I’m glad you’re doing the public service of checking the background of candidates. Once upon a time the local fish wrap had a staff to look into the credentials of would be politicians.

  3. If you're of a certain age, you'll also be getting Medicare porn. Another case of separating the wheat from the chaff. At least Medicare has navigators. Maybe you need to set up a booth, Jack, to help voters sort through the chaff. Get the League of Women voters to financially support you.


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