Don't start believin'

The saga of Portland city commissioner Carmen Rubio's rude and scofflaw ways gets more pathetic by the week. Now the O reveals (behind the Paywall of Pity, sorry) that her excuses about her legion of unpaid parking tickets and multiple license suspensions are mostly false.

Rubio's hastily arranged apology tour has included her repeated assertion that she racked up the parking tickets near her office near the Rose Quarter, where she was slaving away at long hours doing the work of the precious nonprofit from which she was drawing a paycheck at the time. But Shane Dixon Kavanaugh, the 21st Century "Who had the pickle?" man at the O, doggedly tracked down the locations of the violations, and he says more than two thirds of them weren't from around there.

Besides that, Contrite Carmen keeps saying that the tickets were for overtime parking near the office, when two-thirds of the ones she got in that area were for blowing off the meter entirely, according to the O. She also apparently had expired tags on her car and parked in no-parking zones.

Confronted with the latest revelation of her stretching the truth – last month I caught her lying on camera to KGW about her more recent parking lot collision incident, and then quickly realizing she couldn't get away with it –  Rubio is now reduced to playing the gender card.

“I also acknowledge that in American public life, women can’t seem to apologize enough for our mistakes,” she said. “While our male counterparts’ past — or recent — mistakes are minimized as youthful indiscretions or ‘poor judgment,’ women aren’t afforded that same forgiveness."

It's really sad. This person needs some serious attention from a licensed shrink. And we taxpayers need her out of our hair as soon as possible. Please, Portland, don't make her mayor. I beg you.


  1. Well Jack, it's in the hands of the Portland voters. The same Portland voters who elected her to the city council. I am not optimistic. Voters get the government they deserve.

    1. Oh, I don’t know. Eventually they bounce the losers. Novick, Eudaly, Hardesty, all were voted out. We narrowly avoided Yada Yada Yadaroni, too.

    2. And guess who's back--Novick, the LTIC guy!

  2. I’m not a psychiatrist. But, I’ve witnessed a number of mentally ill people in my long life. I think she’s got a screw loose and her enablers are working that condition to their benefit.

  3. Such a contrast with Vera Katz, who didn’t drive and hated jaywalking.

  4. It’s telling that Ted Wheeler and Rene Gonzalez despite all the criticism leveled at them over the last couple of years never resorted to playing the homophobia and racism cards respectively but when faced with legitimate questions about her character she goes straight to the gender card. No worries though, this Portland so she has a ready made audience for it.

    1. She waited a while to play it. She started with lying her way out of it, but when that didn't work, boom! Gender. And of course, ethnicity is right around the corner.

  5. So lemme see if I've got this right: a candidate who gets lots of parking tickets and scrapes a car in a lot is now anathema, since not paying the city for parking on streets that it refuses to maintain (except for gobs of paint) or even pave (officially 50 miles of gravel) is a terminal disqualification.

    1. She's a scofflaw who views laws and social responsibility as applying only to the little people, not her. Unless of course someone is watching. No character.

    2. Lots of parking tickets that she ignores and does not pay. And then lies about. And yes, scraping someone's car and walking away. That's low.

    3. She had far more than "lots of parking tickets." Moving violations, multiple suspended license periods, fairly large fines (more than most of us would acquire, or be able to pay). That much disregard for the law should disqualify her.

  6. I’m voting for Rubio. She is as “Portland” as it gets. Tina endorsed her. Plus she’s not a republican.

    1. "Not a Republican" is not enough. Plenty of candidates that aren't Republicans, and also aren't constantly breaking laws and causing property damage to private citizens and trying to duck responsibility and accountability.

      If she won't even take an auto insurance claim, what makes you think she'll show accountability when she really screws something up?

      We don't need excuses. We need responsible adults, and she's not that.


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