Coffee Klatch II

The mental disintegration of Orange Caligula is a gruesome sight. But knowing him and his crew, I suspect that it's being displayed on purpose.

I've always said that before he would go to prison, the Coppertone Clown would start doing a disability act. Remember when Harvey Weinstein suddenly needed a walker when showing up for trial? Yeah, like that. I believe it's called malingering.

Donnie's still got a lot of criminal charges to face, and at least one sentencing. Maybe he figures that if he starts acting crazy now, he can argue that he's incompetent to stand trial. Heck, it worked for Vincent Gigante, a gangster like Trump wishes he could be. And it worked for Uncle Junior on The Sopranos (pictured).

And because he's supposedly so ill, Trump can argue that he shouldn't be sentenced to prison for any crimes of which he has been convicted. He'll ask for house arrest with a gold-plated ankle bracelet at one of his schlock palaces. 

If that's what he's thinking, I'd prefer that we force him to commence the courtroom charade right away, by having him lose the election. Let's not wait until he's pardoned of his federal crimes by Acting President Vance.



  1. Sounds like you are getting worried.

  2. Either way the bombs will keep falling and people will die. The war machine has too much power, while we get distracted by the clown show.

  3. So many competing strategies, so little time. Acting nuts might help with court cases if he loses, but it's not likely to win him new voters need to win. In fact, since acting nuts is also likely to push undecided voters towards Harris, it seems lless like a campaign strategy and more a product of, you know, him actually being nuts.

  4. It's no act. He's a shambling, incoherent old man ranting about his grudges and imagined injustices.

    1. Very well put. Plus, Trump isn't a strategic thinker and besides, he doesn't have the discipline to implement a strategy of consistently faking mental decline in order to avoid legal consequences.

  5. I'm hoping he bolts for Baku, myself. He's got 'property' there and it would be close to where Vlad could come visit regularly.

  6. Just watched the Faux interview with the VP. I’m afraid she’s going down in flames. Brace yourselves.

    1. Might be over before the polls close in Oregon.

    2. When did the Democrats become Calig's horsey?

    3. I don’t forget much about Roman history. But, the horse thing…


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