A league of their own

As good-troublemaking blogs go, ThinkingOregon is right up there. I think the main writer is named Bill MacKenzie. Recently he let loose with an eye-popping piece about executive compensation at the local gas company, NW Natural. Here's the graphic:

One has to wonder, is that being passed on to the consumer? 

The post is definitely worth pondering as you brace yourself for those winter heating bills. It's here.


  1. I suppose inflation is the rational.

  2. Maybe ending regulation was a bad idea.

  3. I suspect the OPUC allows executive compensation to be included in the rates for gas and electric service, but only to the extent that it reflects the average compensation of utility executives calculated on either a regional or national basis. Any compensation above the average would be paid by shareholders.

  4. Replies
    1. Have they recovered from Enron stealing their investment funds and forcing them to only have worthless Enron stocks?

  5. Always better to have a "guest" member in the old boys club to keep the riff raff in line, and what better way than to dangle that golden parachute at them. At least NW Natural actually provides a much needed service to keeping the city running.


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