Transparency 1, Portland City Hall 0

In Portland City Hall there are many scoundrels. And the city attorney's office sure seems to have more than its share. They're particularly bad about hiding documents that the public has a right to see.

The latest in their long line offenses in this regard came when they sued a reporter at OPB (along with OPB itself) because she had the nerve to ask for a list of companies that have been forced to pay into the insane Portland "clean energy" slush fund. The county district attorney's office ordered the city to turn over the records “in such a format as to not associate any individual business name with any dollar amount," which seems perfectly reasonable. But rather than comply with state law, the city sued the reporter, Monica Samayoa, in circuit court.

That's what a Portlander gets for asking to see what they have a right to see: The city sues them. Ya gotta admit that dragging a reporter into court for asking a simple question is quite a look for such a supposedly progressive place.

Fortunately, last week the county judge threw out the city's meritless lawsuit. There's no word yet on whether the city's platoon of coverup experts are going to appeal. But given their bad attitude in general, I'd be surprised if they didn't.

When the 117 bobbleheads come to your door asking for your vote in the upcoming city elections, be sure to ask them what they think of the city's nasty revenue bureau and its rogue city attorney's office. If they don't acknowledge that both are problems, tell them you have to feed your cat, and close the door.


  1. Have you looked at the city of Portland’s priority preference point system to gain access to subsidized housing? Would you consider their criteria a surrogate for race? Here is the link.

  2. The PCEF slush fund (and shoplifting) drove REI and Walmart out of Portland. No we have to burn fossil fuels to shop in the lower tax and safer suburbs.

    1. Surprised the city didn’t try to levy a hefty “exit” fee on REI and WalMart. Or did they?

  3. Whoever was involved in the Dec to sue should be fired - without the usual local government severance pay package

  4. The bureaucrats are becoming more blatant about thumbing their nose at the public. It’s not just Portland. The unelected Oregon state bureaucracy is just as guilty. Don’t get me started about things at DC.

  5. Asking the TaxLawProf ... as a consumer-owned co-op, is REI subject to the PCEF tax?

  6. Climate Crisis inc. has always been a scam. The Maldives have added tons of beachfront resorts, which is why they never mention it any more. Polar bears are also a no no, as their numbers have gone up over the decades.

    1. Thanks for relaying all of that, from Fox News or wherever you get your science.

    2. I think the climate thing has been over played. Not a scam. But, politically hyped. The bears are doing better than expected

  7. And the oceans are rapidly becoming too warm to support life. That and the Chinese fishing machines raping and pillaging what’s left…it’s not that much any more!


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