Portland District 2: A first cut

(L to R) Marshall, Simril, Tasini, Berlin.

I've been trying to do my homework in preparation for the upcoming Portland mayor and City Council elections. With 117 candidates to look at, it's hard to know where to begin, but since I'm in District 2, I thought I'd start with that council district. There are 22 people officially running (and two other names bouncing around) for the district's three seats.

I've taken a first look at the whole pack of them, and right off the top, I've got four that I'm interested in: Reuben Berlin, Mike Marshall, Bob Simril, and Jonathan Tasini. I'm lukewarm toward Dan Ryan, and from what I've seen so far, the other 17 have at least one fatal flaw each.

Probably my hardest no's are for three Rubio allies: James Armstrong, Michelle DePass, and Marnie Glickman. And Debbie Kitchin, who was a member of the charter commission? That would be out of the question. I don't play dat.

There's a long way to go before I have to blacken the circles on the dopey "rank choice" ballot, but that's what I've got so far. For just this once, I invite knowledgable readers to argue with me, so that we can advance my understanding further. This is not necessarily my final cut.

UPDATE, Monday Sept. 16: Forget Tasini. He's too far left.


  1. I think I’ll listen to Brazil 66 again….

  2. Is it a credible idea to eliminate any candidate who includes the word "progressive" in their website? Or does that eliminate everyone?

  3. 1)Tell me more about Armstrong and Rubio… I sort of liked him but that’s a very bad sign if he’s a Rubio supporter.
    2) Ryan is meh. The worst is he accused parents of being homophobes when they asked for basic background checks of his Queer Rest Safe Village he opened next door to 2 schools. Oh and any drug use by the residents is allowed.
    3) What about Mariah Hudson? She looks better than some.
    4) Is Reuben Berlin still running? He’s been MIA
    5) Tasini looks downright AWFUL
    6) Marshall looks to be a status quo candidate

    1. Why is Tasini awful? Why is Marshall status quo? Specifically.

    2. https://www.eventcreate.com/e/wilderpdx24/

    3. Armstrong and Rubio are holding campaign events together. Hudson is a flack for OHSU (think aerial tram that the city paid for), and she's also an insider with the bikey set. Two reasons to say no.


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