My bad week = your problem

Looks like she's paying attention here.

Wow, here's an amazing story (albeit behind a paywall). Portland mayoral candidate Carmen Rubio, recently outed as a scofflaw and atrocious driver, was at it again on Friday. She apparently dinged up somebody's Tesla in a parking lot, got out of her car and looked at it, then walked away.

When busted by video footage, she's singing a different tune now.

“I can’t tell you how humiliated I am and I’m really sorry,” Rubio said on a recorded call. “I feel very embarrassed that during one of the worst weeks of my career, I was careless enough to be flustered and not paying as close attention as I should have been. Believe me, I feel worthless right now.”

“I would just rather drop out of my race, honestly,” she continued. “Believe me, I will not be driving for the foreseeable future.”...

Under Oregon law, if a collision results in $2,500 of damage or more, a report must be filed with DMV within 72 hours. While the couple has yet to receive an official estimate of the damages to the Tesla, the two parties had discussed settling the matter for between $4,000 and $5,000, the woman said.

Ms. Rubio: If you're really inclined to drop out of your race, by all means, please do. 

And if she doesn't, Portlanders, please don't vote for her. Please, please, pretty please.

UPDATE, Thursday morning: Now she says she's the victim.


  1. WW piece talked about her impressive credentials but when pressed about accomplishments and a message she couldn’t provide one.
    She’s party of the Portland political train wreck crew.

  2. She's part of the Cruz-Vega-Rubio triumvirate. They all need to go back to the nonprofit industrial complex. Or maybe Walsh can put them all on the pad. Just don't let this one operate any machinery.

    1. Should she get elected, I'll bet PBOT won't let her drive any of their equipment.

  3. Portland’s non- profit political machine will get this coveted this up through their friends in the press. It’s a sad commentary about this once wonderful city.

  4. It's in the Oregonian. It can't be covered up. It can, however, be glossed over.

  5. We can all see now: This is a person who will act unethically if she thinks she can get away with it – even when she knows it's harming others. She couldn't be trusted to work the cash register at a Plaid Pantry, much less run a city. If she ever gets elected again, we can't say we didn't see it coming.

  6. It seems as though the politicians in this town live in their own little worlds, completely detached from reality.

  7. Ugh, I can’t log in for some reason, but I guess anonymous will work. I’m a teacher and there is no way I will vote for Rene Gonzalez, who consistently thinks he’s smarter than he is and is an incredibly poor listener and learner. Is there anyone you’d recommend besides him or Rubio who actually has a shot? Why is it so hard to get a good mayor for this city? I moved here in Vera Katz’s 4th term and evidently didn’t appreciate her enough, because it’s been all downhill ever since.

    1. Keith Wilson made the cut for a debate last week (with Mingus Mapps not invited.) Wilson actually has business experience, and a number of neighbors are supporting him

    2. Vera did what Neil Goldschmidt told her to. Like funnel public money to Homer Williams, OHSU, and all of Neil's cronies. All the shiny stuff was built on the backs of the little people.

      I'm willing to look at Wilson as one of the six names I (sorta) get to vote for. But I'm afraid he's going to cancel out Gonzalez, and then we get Loose Cannon Carmen.

    3. If we used ranked-choice voting for mayor, you wouldn’t have to worry about vote splitting and spoiling and you could just rank the candidates in the order you most prefer them without concern that your vote might help elect the candidate you most oppose.

  8. Welp, this means she’ll be the next mayor. I don’t trust the Portland electorate at all…

  9. Her supporters are rallying around. I’d bet that they have a financial stake in her maintaining a position in city government.


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