Lying right to your face

Here's a real screamer, in which Carmen Rubio, Portland mayoral candidate, straight up lies to a reporter, and when questioned further, changes her story immediately. It's at 1:24 on the video of this story on KGW-TV. She says she left a note on the parked Tesla she hit in a parking lot last Friday. The reporter then asks, "So you did leave a note?" Whereupon, realizing she was caught in a falsehood, Rubio changes her account.

Here is her facial expression when she heard the followup question:

Eventually she walks away rather than submit to any more questions.

You be the jury. Look at that video and tell me if you think she's being honest.

Rubio has always had zero credibility, but now I'm starting to think there's actually something seriously wrong with her. Please, Portland, no more of this one.


  1. She’s a creep! I don’t trust her at all! She’s got no accountability and should no longer be entrusted with anything let alone millions of taxpayer dollars.

  2. She needs to immediately pull out of the mayors race, as well as step down from the city council. She is a liar and total disgrace. Portland has enough problems, it doesn’t need her causing more.

  3. She’s a liar who doesn’t deserve respect. But, I’m more infuriated with her supporters. It’ll be interesting to see how fast they flee.

    1. Yesterday many of them were doubting down. She’s the victim here, don’tcha know.

    2. Grifting from the corrupt seems to be a huge incentive in Portland.

  4. This is a woman who cannot be trusted. She’s a total mess. Shame on the governor for standing by her

  5. Well now, when did being a liar become a political disqualifier?

    1. It’s the corrupt part that hurts the community.

  6. It's the bizarro GOP. Fun to watch.

    1. Most people who get into politics have a couple loose screws. Holding authority over others feeds the emptiness they have for not being responsible for themselves.

      We have to change politicians frequently, otherwise they inevitably explore ways to monetize their power.

  7. She's a train wreck. Seems she can't manage her personal life any better than Sam Adams. How on earth could this walking lying disaster handle mayoral duties??

  8. She’s perfect for Portland. Fits right in with progressive values.

  9. What I don't get is that she claims she couldn't pay all her traffic fine because she was just trying to make ends meet, yet in 2020, she pulled in $167k in her last year as executive director of the Latino Network.

    1. Hey, that's chump change in the complex. Jesse Beason will bank well over $300K this year running dark money for "health" and faxing it in as an "interim county commissioner."

  10. The people who came up with the radical new city charter (some now running for office) told us that ranked choice voting would make elections nicer, more positive, collaborative, issue-oriented, etc.
    Try telling that to Carmen Rubio.
    The mayoral race--at least the dinosaur media version of it--now hinges on a driving record. A real step up in our political discourse.
    No one--including the candidates--wants to deal with the reality of the new mayor's job description: sandwiched between the 25-percenters on the veto-proof council and the "professional" city manager and his opaque bureaucracy. Will he/she/they still be able to hand out keys to the city?

    1. Doesn't the mayor have the right to hire and fire the city manager? That would give the mayor a lot of power over the bureaus, albeit indirect.

    2. And, if there is no city manager, the mayor assumes the role. The new mayor can have enormous power if he/she slow-walks the nomination process or proposes as string of candidates that council won't approve.

    3. Not clear the mayor has the power to fire the city manager. The mayor hires the city manager, subject to council approval, but I believe that's it.

  11. Here's the video from the Tesla's cameras, where you can see her car hit it, and then you see her just walk off:

  12. With a name like CARmen you’d think she’d be a better driver.

    1. But she's not a man, or at least...

  13. The progressive non profit elite of Portland don’t have to follow rules or laws like us plebes and are like a cat dropped in a bathtub when someone expects them too.

  14. From the footage I don't see where her car comes into contact with the Tesla. I believe it but I don't see it.

    1. The video is from the Tesla. At the very beginning it jiggles a little. That's the ding happening. The scrape on the side of Rubio's car is from some other incident, of which I suspect there have been many.

    2. I get the perspective but I cannot see where her car touches the Tesla or even the Tesla move a bit but I will take your word for it. Pamela Fitzsimmons over at Portland Dissent doesn't see it either which may be the first time I have ever agreed with her on anything. I do love her writing though.

  15. Someone on Reddit made the point that she seems the type to have a "Share the Road" licence plate and then drive 45 mph down a shared lane. That about sums it up.


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