Blast from the past

It was a slow mail day. There was only one item in the box: the Stanford alumni magazine. Not exactly a priority for me any more.  

Yes, going there for law school changed my life, and when they lowered themselves to let me teach a course there in '92, that was a nice moment, too. But the Stanford of the last 10 or 15 years has been a real turnoff. They're dead to me now.

But on the short walk to the recycle bin, I glanced at the back cover and had to do quite a double-take:

An ad for Harvard, and featuring none other than The Scone! How very strange.

Memories of Portland City Councils past flooded in. They were bad, but we had no idea how much worse it could get. And I'm afraid the worst is yet to come.


  1. I didn't even see that as I slid it into the recycling bag.

  2. I ran into his wife several months ago. He had a year at Harvard (they both lived there), and was supposedly going to bring some plans re: the homeless for Portland. I've wondered what happened ever since. (Full disclosure - his wife and I were both Jesuit volunteers, and I think Jim was as well, and his wife and I served on the JVC board as well. Though I'm afraid JVC has gone over the DEI cliff, with their mandatory "white accountability" groups.

  3. When my children became college age, I would have been proud had their choice been Stanford. I’d be horrified if my grand children even considered it.

    1. Horrified? That used to be a strong word. Today it stands for everything from a murder to a spilled water glass. Care to elaborate or was that just a FOX News parrot?

    2. Never cared for groups that welcomed anti capitalist ideology.

    3. You should Google the Hoover Institute.

    4. Fox news Parrot? hahaha Total Non-sequitor.

  4. I hate the way this, but I’d take The Sdone back over the current crop of dimwits and the incoming group of crazies.

  5. The closer it gets to the time to vote the more I’m convinced the next city council will be a disaster. The worst is definitely yet to come.


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