
The Democratic Party convention wrapped up last night, and from what I could tell they got through it without any disasters, which is quite a relief. Kamala Harris gave an acceptance speech that was no "I Have a Dream," but it was perfectly fine. She's a little nasal, but compared to the alternative she's Abe Lincoln.

I didn't see too much of the show last night, but what I did catch was a lot of the same messaging as the three nights before: "We're not Trump, and thank God." Even Harris spent a lot of time ticking off some of the many horrors that another term of Orange Caligula would surely bring. I agree wholeheartedly, but they may have overplayed that card just a wee bit.

Earlier, continuing a parade of geezer speakers, Leon Panetta had popped in for a segment. Dear Lord, the man is 86 years old! But he knows the White House like the back of his hand, and he's still got it together, more so than some other aging politicians you could name.

I also liked the nightly on-stage appearances of somewhat prominent Republicans who just can't bring themselves to vote MAGA for a third time after all the garbage that it's produced. I hope many more members of the GOP are looking at themselves in the mirror now and asking whether they can keep genuflecting to the indecency. You don't have to announce it to anybody if you don't want to. Just don't vote for him. Get him out of your face forever and take your party back.

Anyway, the dopey balloons have been dropped, and so Chicago's over. Now comes 10 grueling weeks in the trenches. The Dems are on a roll, but after 2016, you won't see me placing any bets on the final outcome, at least not yet and probably not until the inauguration.


  1. Thought she delivered a polished presentation. I was a bit shocked. One standout was the prosecutor who won against scumbag on his Ponzi scheme, Trump University. They should wrap that in an ad.

  2. I got the impression that she thought the miss-steps of the last four years were Trump’s fault

    1. 12 years of Obama and Biden is no match for 4 years of Trump- he had that much incredible power.

  3. Truly unburdened by what had been…you know, the last four years of unhinged, Portland style woke leftism passing for “governance” under Biden. The day after the election they’ll be back to “ACAB”, calling women “uterus owners”, and organizing a ministry of truth.

    1. This reads like the magnetic poetry version of Newsmax. Well done!

    2. Uterus owner isn't very inclusive. Not all women have uteri, or even specific anatomical features.

    3. msnbc lady corrected herself....Kamala will protect all women...err..."carriers of pregnancy"....

  4. No mention of gender in Harris' entire speech. Interesting.

  5. Again mystified by the comments critiquing the Democratic Convention after witnessing the Republican ...whatever that was...with the type of celebrities that are lucky to get a gig opening a new Supermarket and a candidate who is scarier than the subject of a Stephen King novel. I feel like I am living through an episode of The Twilight Zone.

    1. Just because the other team stinks doesn't mean I shouldn't demand better of mine.

      See also: Oregon Democrats.

  6. She is like a first year violinist who wants to sit in with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The veneer is paper thin with her.

    1. So thin, she will never hold a press conference or talk off-script. She is a very good teleprompter reader. The cackles only happen when she doesn't want to answer a question.

    2. Compared to what happens when her opponent opens his mouth, she’s Churchill.

    3. yup, Trump was born with a designer shoe in his mouth

  7. I love how they wrapped themselves around the flag and love of country. I thought the flag made liberals uncomfortable and that American history is full of horrible people. But hey, Biden got compared to George Washington, so I guess they figured that wasn't selling so well anymore.

    1. Maybe they could have kissed a dead fireman's helmet. A person who died for their alegiance to Orange Caligula.

    2. I, too, would be interested in The Professor's thoughts on a tax on unrealized capital gains over $100M.

    3. It will never happen. It would take a constitutional amendment, for one thing.

    4. They do it already. It's called property taxes.

    5. She smiles. She waves. Disast-HER!


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