This horror movie is way too long

Any veteran who votes for Orange Caligula is as nuts as he is. And Republicans of all stripes, please, spare us any more of this. I beg you, vote for Harris or don't vote.


  1. He has zero decency. He knows nothing about history. Scumbag had no clue how the Civil War started. This is what makes him so dangerous. If a worm ate Bobby Kennedy’s brain and Trumps it would starve

  2. I always had this hope that one of his generals would do to him what Hitlers Generals tried and failed to do to Hitler. After all they did take an oath to protect the country from all enemies foreign and domestic. Instead of being hung with piano wire they got book deals.

  3. the bbc article preposterously states: “Trump was at the memorial to honour the 13 US military service members who were killed during the US withdrawal from Afghanistan three years ago Monday.”

    it was actually a political stunt meant to blame the biden/harris administration for the deaths of those military personnel. which is exactly the reason the no filming rule is in place.

  4. also, nothing is less respectful than giving a cringey thumbs up and cheesing at a soldier’s gravesite.

    1. Apparently surviving members of the veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice or 'suckers' as Trump put it, allowed it.

    2. This photo seems so over-the-top stupid it has me wondering whether it was AI-generated.

    3. " has me wondering whether it was AI-generated."

      It wasn't and you know that. It's this sort of speculative dumbassery that fueled his 2016 campaign in the first place.

    4. No I didn't. My reaction was genuine and i spent five minutes looking for the image in any story from a reputable source (e.g., not the Daily Beast).

      We live in a world of deep fake news and suppressed truths (see: Zuckerberg letter).

      The only "dumbassery" was your knee-jerk reaction.

    5. Especially since the act of taking the photo is apparently illegal:

      But who among us hasn't gone to a national cemetery and started shoving the caretakers who are just trying to enforce the law that you were previously informed of and chose to violate anyway?

      Apparently there was a report filed. How long until the Senate Armed Services committee gets their hands on that and releases it?

    6. Do your own research, Champ. Knock yourself out.

  5. I hear that a permission request was granted for photos but got overlooked by the writers when reporting the story.

    1. Permission given by whom? The family of the deceased? They don't make the rules at Arlington. If they told Donnie he could dig up some patches of grass to sell as "TrumpTurf," would that have made it okay for him to start digging?

    2. Good question Jack. Maybe someone will look into it.

    3. The United States Army disagrees.

  6. You didn't see the photo in a lot of places because it was illegal to take it. It's on his Truth Social network, and a few other less reputable places. But I do understand why it was questioned because it is SO stupid it could have been AI generated.

  7. The families of the fallen Marines support Trump. There is nothing fake or strange about that. They blame the Biden-Harris Administration for the poorly planned exit and the rules of engagement that allowed the suicide bomber to make it to the gate. The families say that no one from the current Administration reached out to them. That is unconscionable. Do any of you dispute that?

    1. What about the families of the other 400,000 deceased veterans in section 60 - did they give their consent to having their fallen beloved's headstones used as political props too?

      This is why section 60 is off-limits for political crap.

      Shame on you for not thinking of any of the others laid to rest there, because you're too busy chugging propaganda-flavored kool-aid.

  8. Replies
    1. Isn't real today, bombed the piss out the West Bank with Harris/Biden financincing/turning a blind eye. Keep squawking jewish nazis

    2. Biden? I thought he was out of commission slobbing at the beach?

    3. Is that what you call it when you visit the beach? Is that some kind of gen Z slang? Please tell us how you slob.

  9. I can hardly wait for the debate... IF drumpf has the balls to show up (I'm giving 80-20 odds on not), Harris is going to grind him into the floor and have enough energy left over to buff out the stain. Just because drumpf SAYS Harris is "not smart" doesn't make it so.

    1. The cult and the news media will give him a pass on whatever lame statement he puts out for an excuse ("Rigged!"; "Fake News!"; "Barron Ate My Homework!") his lizard brain happens to spew out. He'll go back to the same tired reruns about Hannibal Lecter, sharks, bacon vs wind energy or whatever like nothing ever happened. The cult will be right with it all...

  10. Trump was invited. The Biden/Harris crowd was purposely not invited. Kinda slimy for the group that caused the deaths to accuse Trump of being disrespectful.

    1. Both Biden and Harris were invited. They did not respond to the invitation.

  11. It's good to know the scandal is, not the pull out and
    leaving all the weapons and supply trucks etc. Or the
    Killing of the soldiers.
    But taking a photo, that upsets the Left.


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