They had good B.O.

The Democratic Party appears to have gotten halfway through its convention with no major disasters. Last night the crowd was addressed by the Obamas. After the former President healed a couple of lepers on the sidewalk outside the arena, he and his wife were carried in on sedan chairs and gave some darn good speeches.

You have to wonder whether too many young voters were watching at that point, however. Earlier they had to sit through Chuck Schumer, who explained what their grandfather thinks, and Bernie Sanders, who told them what their great-grandfather thinks.

About the only bone I could see thrown to anyone under the age of 70 was that they had a fairly clever DJ who played a snippet of an appropriate song after each state cast its vote in the ceremonial roll call to nominate Kamala Harris. As an adjunct to this, a complete playlist was released on the music streaming sites, but I'm not sure how good an idea that was, because when you listened to the entire songs, a fair number of them consisted of rappers belting out one swear word after another. Snoop Dogg mugging it up at the Olympics is one thing; Kendrick Lamar telling you "I'm fucked up, homie, you fucked up" is a little different.

A couple of reformed Republicans explained why they were through with Trump, which was a nice touch. Every single moderate Republican in the nation should be ashamed of what's at the top of their ticket, and if they don't vote for Harris, at least they ought to have the decency not to vote for anyone this time around. You would think that they would be glad to rid themselves of Orange Caligula once and for all.

There was a benediction at the end of the night, which seemed a little odd given the Democrats' outrage over the recent violations of the separation of church and state. But it was a pretty nondenominational blessing. While the preachers did talk to "God," pronouns were avoided.

It's on to Night 3 tonight, and I think it might be the most hazardous of all of them for the blue team. The big draws on the speaker list are Bill Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. Once again, geezers, aged 78 and 84, and each with baggage galore. They may "fire up the base," whatever that means, but the million or two key voters in the half-dozen swing states may pass on their spiel.

You wonder how Ron Wyden must feel about being left off the stage. He's been in Congress for 43 years; you'd think they'd let him say the Pledge of Allegiance or something. But don't worry, Ron. Nvidia's interests will be well-represented by Pelosi.


  1. Gotta hope the Kemp team in Georgia will recognize his best future is one with Donvict in the rear view mirror, and vote accordingly when they get alone with their ballot. Duncan speaks to that tonight.

    1. That's a new term I hadn't heard, and it's perfect - Donvict!

  2. “Back in the day” deceptive merchandisers were called snake oil salesmen.

  3. Remember, Michelle (Big Mike) Obama said "her parents were suspicious of the wealthy". The mother who lived on the public dime in the White House and the daughter who's richer than Richie Rich. You buy their B. S. Not us!

  4. Amazing how low the Democrats have sunk. Kamala? Seriously? A few months ago they wanted to dump her. And WTH is with the Obamas?

  5. Don’t dis Michelle! She’s smarter than all of us combined!

  6. I listened last night up through old Bill and then had to seek therapy. Bill sounded like he had a frog in his throat- pretty sure it wasn't a cigar... They served up a whole lot of nothing, not mentioning any current issues, just running against Orange Man Bad (OMB). Of course when you nominate a candidate that didn't get a single delegate and just say, eat your porridge, you know we are living in 1984 redux.

    1. I thought all of the states pledged their delegates to Harris, who was then officially nominated. What were you watching?

    2. “You guys don’t have anything except OMB.” So hosting a Jan 6th “award show” isn’t bad? JFK (not to be confused with the brain worm Trump supporter) you guys are a lost cause.

    3. Jan 6th is a laugh riot. Fuck the police, except the black cop defending democracy by slaying the unarmerd woman. Fucking pig. The lie, like Lynch is that they are to be defended. Can't you see it, gaslighters?

    4. The golden idol is looking more like a lead balloon these days. Sad!

  7. One candidate refuses to play by the rules. A comedian once pointed out Trump as a business man in NY puts up more hotels than an autistic kid trying to play Monopoly. A terrible human being a terrible business man and a terrible President and yet the race is close.

  8. Age and policy positions do not necessarily correlate. Bernie is way more in touch with young people than you or Biden or Kamala or Barack.


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