Prison for a Portland tagger

It's been a busy time around Blog Central, but I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge that a prolific graffiti tagger – a guy by the name of Jerry Mijangos – has been sentenced to 30 months in prison for all the damage he's done. And from what the cops are saying, he was an extreme case.

To this day, PPB isn't sure how many times Mijangos painted his tag around the city, or how much the clean-up has cost. The tagger pleaded guilty for previous crimes in April 2023. He was sentenced to serve probation in that case — and a month later, he was back at it....

Even after his arrest in January, Kirby-Glatkowski said, Mijangos got back to it once he was released from jail.

"I was really hopeful we were there, you know... he spent several weeks in jail after that arrest. However, when he was released, he immediately went back out and started offending again," the officer said....

On Aug. 19, Mijangos agreed to a deal and pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree criminal mischief and two counts of second-degree criminal mischief. Judge Andrew Lavin sentenced him Monday to 30 months in prison, in line with the plea deal. 

Finally, one of these crazy people gets meaningfully restrained. The PoPo say there are more arrests and indictments coming. Let's hope for more cooperation from D.A. Lame Duck Mikey Schmidt and the judges. And may this particular guy get some mental health help while he's in the slammer. As his case graphically shows, tagging is a mental illness. 


  1. Meanwhile, open air drug markets persist. The ignorance of the Ptown residents is on display. We will pay $115,000 for incarceration, while Multonomah County will keep handing out pipes and boofs. Keep clapping seals. Because spray paint, lol.

    1. The problems on Portland's streets are connected. And how much damage do you think this guy inflicts on average in 30 months? $115,000 is chump change by comparison. Maybe the ignorance can be seen in your mirror.

    2. I wish the media’s reporting on Portland’s street drug problem mentioned the actual monetary cost to the taxpayers.

    3. 115,000 less pipes and boofs?, chump change by comparison....Paint all them crack pipes orange, that will solve it.....

    4. Yes, because we all know that law enforcement can only work on one problem at a time. The vice unit clearly has to shut down all their drug investigations and arrests in order to go after a single vandalism case, right?

      What a colossally stupid take.

  2. He and his fellow miscreants/vandals/criminals must be caught, charged, and incarcerated. We should name them, publish their photos, and shame them.....provide them with the notoriety and infamy they seek. Then put them on the workforce who remove and cover up their criminal activity. Nothing less!

  3. I am in support of re-introducing a new hi-tech version of the Oregon Boot. Google it please.

  4. Like the persistent drunk driver, he may not get, or be resistant to receiving, any mental health services. Being locked up for 30 months, however, keeps him and his paint cans off the streets. I just wish more drunk drivers were locked up to keep innocent people from being injured or killed as well

  5. As usual, we never learn from where the perps have come.


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