Not the Onion

It's like they're screaming, "Cancel your subscription!"


  1. The Times doesn't want Trump to lose the election and fade into obscurity -- he attracts too many eyeballs and advertising dollars for them. They don't want to lose their Golden Goose.

  2. It's an opinion piece from a conservative writer. Do you want the Times to print only articles by left-wing columnists and prove it is as biased as the Trumpies complain?

    1. No, but I do want them to reject opinion pieces that are utterly absurd, as this one surely is.

    2. So much for free speech.

    3. This author has many other outlets available.

    4. You don't get to choose the "outlets", Mr. Bogdanski!

    5. No, but I do get to subscribe and unsubscribe. And if the Times wants to keep getting my money, they need to stop publishing nonsense. This particular heap of steaming horse manure is not worth my time or money.

    6. I'd just appreciate a little editorial discretion, such as not printing absurd garbage. Example: Trump has no character to speak of, so he cannot win on character.

      People with character don't change their policy and opinions based on the highest bidder, and Trump absolutely does.

    7. Have some tolerance for other opinions, Professor Karen

    8. Go easy on Jack. Carville does it all the time.

    9. The time to unsubscribe from the NYT was about 8 years ago. Zero reason to keep enabling them at this point.

  3. Always love the “free speech” response which shows a lack of understanding of what constitutes an infringement on speech.

  4. Hey people... The First Amendment says the GOVERNMENT can't restrict speech. The NYT, as a corporate entity, can restrict speech all it wants. Try going to an all-hands meeting and stand up and start denigrating the CEO and see how long you have a job after that.

    1. Lately, some of the media seems to be an active part of the government.

    2. Or try actually getting legitimate Democratic views on Newsmax or FoxNews.

    3. They've been giving Mayor Pete a trial run on Fox for a few months now. He'll be there before January 20.

    4. More than that, choosing what to publish, and what NOT to publish are just as equally the expression of free speech.

      The Times is free to publish what they wish. And if they choose to publish stupid crap like the pictured editorial, then subscribers are free to choose to change that status.

    5. I can't get beyond the paywall to even read the article but one consider the source, Rich Lowery and from what I understand he wasn't talking about Trumps character but on Trump impugning Harris's character. Still though why does The Times give space to The National Review Editor?


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