Golden anniversary

It was quite a time.



  1. I think the History books will treat Nixon better than any Republican that followed him. Reagan, the Bushes, Trump.

  2. Nixon better than Reagan or Bush? Please get a grip. Nixon was a psychotic paranoid (and liar) on top of being FORCED to resign by his peers (from both parties as well as national opinion). He was a disgrace to the presidency. I don't see Reagan or Bush in that line-up, but Trump has a great chance to cement his spot there. Stay tuned.

  3. Trump is obviously in a class by himself. An absolute psychopath and traitor. Nixon was George Washington by comparison. Both of the Bushes were shady and surrounded by bad people. But of all of them, on a policy level, Reagan probably did the most damage. What you see on the streets of Portland is the handiwork of Reagan.

    1. "I would never vote for a Republican for anything, ever, but this story is important to me."

  4. Why did he send it to the Secretary of State? Wouldn't the Speaker of the House or the Vice President be more appropriate?

  5. Nixon went to his grave not knowing he was set up. They falsely tied him to the cover-up and there is a lot of (now) documentation about how they did it and who was involved. In my book all these guys are smucks but the entrenched permanent government (military, intelligence, state department, bureaus) will dump you real fast if you don't play ball with their schemes. Nixon knew too well how corrupt everything was and was too risky not to keep his trap shut- much like Biden. BTW anybody seen Biden lately? Other than extremely staged appearances, MIA.

    1. He’s in better shape than JFK with 11 months to go before re-election.

    2. Anyone else remember the presidential pole, in late October ‘63, before Jack went on that fateful trip to Texas.

  6. He's tanned, rested, and ready!


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