Flip, flop, and fly

I remarked just yesterday that the Multnomah County sheriff, Nicole Morrisey O'Donnell, was refusing to jail people who repeatedly defy Portland's camp removals. And now today, lo and behold, she's changed her mind and will in fact house those individuals when brought in by city police. Three weeks ago, O'Donnell was all "Arresting and booking our way out of the housing crisis is not a constructive solution." Today she's all “I respect the City Council’s decision to increase enforcement for livability issues."

It sounds as if somebody took a poll. O'Donnell is up for re-election in May 2026. She'll be on the ballot along with the county commission chair, Jessica Chevy Vega, who will pay dearly for her incompetence in dealing with homelessness and drug addiction in Portland. Sounds like O'Donnell doesn't want the same tar and feathers on her. We'll see how she does with "deflection." 


  1. It's not a housing crisis, it's a kill the middle class and make us all serfs again issue. By the time these folks see that we are all under threat it will be far too late to do anything about it. The extreme loss of buying power has nothing to do with zombies in da 'hood.

    1. BS. Get a job. If it doesn't pay enough, work more. You live in one of the most prosperous countries in world history. Stop whining and get to work.

    2. Portland has the highest major city tax burdens in the country. Whining about it is allowed.

    3. Or stop spending money on things like Uber Eats, like my young neighbors do. Learn to cook, shop at Winco, save hundreds every month.

    4. This post is not about avocado toast. Not sure how it got hijacked that way.

    5. Haven’t read any mission statements for the PPD. But, I bet politics isn’t in there. That’s what’s puzzling about the public statements I’ve heard for decades from the PPD chiefs.

  2. Jack, you have a tremendous talent for finding “great” pics of all the local pols! Well done!

  3. Rule of Democracy on display. Where's the meth?

  4. You complain when she doesn't do anything and you complain when she says she will. Crossing the old curmudgeon line Jack.

    1. Where is the complaining in the text? I read this as calling out our elected officials for their self-service and allegiance to bureaucracy.

  5. Multnomah County sheriff Nicole Morrisey O'Donnell may have stopped substituting her judgment for that of the elected representatives of the City of Portland, but she still doesn't get that her job is to enforce the law, not make homeless policy.

    As if there weren't already too many chefs in the homeless kitchen, as O'Donnell agreed to stop being an obstructionist and instead do her job, she also decided that she'd only do that for a trial period. O'Donnell then gave herself a seat at the grownups' table so she could have a say in deciding the appropriateness of putting bums in jail.


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