Very very frightening me

We were enjoying some sweet Sunday sleepin'-in this morning when BAAANNNNGGGG! A thunderbolt suddenly rang out. It was the loudest I think I've ever heard. It sounded like it was right over our house. Then BAAANNNNGGGG! Another one. A few minutes later, another, then another, it seemed like a half-dozen before they started sounding a bit further away.

There was a little hail, then a little rain, but very little. Then we noticed that somewhere in there, the power had gone out. It would stay out for about three hours.

It was at that very time that the President of the United States dropped out of the race for re-election. Was it some kind of sign?

Withdrawing and retiring was the right thing for Biden to do, but he had to be forced into it, and the media types who hounded him with top headlines about his age, day after day, week after week, should be ashamed of themselves. Especially those worthless clowns at the New York Times.

Anyway, Biden says that Kamala Harris should take his spot on the top of the ticket, but as is obvious from the events of the day, he doesn't really get to say. People in the background with a lot of money get to say. And I'd be surprised if they're saying Harris.

I hope the vice president is ready for a withering onslaught. I also hope that whatever dirt they've got on her, it surfaces now, rather than at Comey Email Time in late October. Because you know that organizations like the New York Times will gladly sacrifice the Democratic nominee for the click bonanza that is The Donald 2.0.

I'm probably just being a nut, but I can't help but think that the puppet masters' secret plan is Hillary. That they'll give Harris about 10 days before they take her out with one damning line or another. The convention doesn't start for four more weeks.

Whoever leads the ticket, the Democrats had better turn out some serious numbers on Election Day. Especially if they've got a woman, and one of color at that, running for President. The MAGAts will be out in force. Don't kid yourself, preventing another African-American President is what that cult is really all about.


  1. Nothing against Harris personally, but is a Bay Area, California progressive the best choice to capture the swing voters in swing states that the Democrats are going to need to win in November?

    The power did not go out here in SE Portland, but we sure heard the thunder.

    1. If you watched her put Kavanaugh on skates during his confirmation hearing, you'll understand why she's up to the task. White dudes are already coming up with a million and one excuses for why it can't be her.

      San Francisco values! Cry harder.

      It's going to be up to women and PoC to bring this home.

    2. Willy Brown never commented about the cackle. Always wondered why

    3. If you had watched the 2020 Democratic primary debates, you would have seen Tulsi Gabbard destroy Kamala Harris.

  2. They could have a series of 3 debates. Harris wouldn't put up with Trumps crap and she'd cut him up like she did to Bill Barr. Would she get elected President probably not but putting Trump in a headlock and giving him noogies would be worth it.

    1. I doubt that Donnie will debate her, unless it's an open-mike, MAGA-audience rally in disguise. She'd mop the floor with him.

    2. LOL! It would be a cackle-fest!

    3. When the worst thing you have to say about someone is something about their laugh, you have nothing at all. Take your anonymous sh*tposting and get out of here.

    4. Sorry, I doubt Kamala Harris could out-debate the actual mop!

  3. He was toast when Pelosi finally joined the chorus. You can’t run against ads that say your own party says you’re unfit.

    So far donors like Reid Hoffman are lined up behind Kamala. It’s gonna be her.

    1. It ain’t over until Saint Obama says so.

  4. Bet the farm. It won’t be her.

  5. No way will Dem bigwigs try Hillary again.

  6. For those of you who say it won't be "her" (Harris) then who the hell will it be? I wasn't behind her until Biden withdrew but now she makes the most sense. What are the other options?

    Personally, I can't think of an easier campaign platform than the one inherited by whomever becomes the Democratic nominee. It's "Vote for me or else you get the insane, narcissistic mofo clown who has already shown us what the end of civilization as we know it looks like." I would like to think anyone or anything could win against the scariest felon this country will ever know, but, well, there's 2016 to consider. Not to mention Trump's inexplicable followers. What the hell? I watched this guy (Trump) get convicted on 34 counts of fraud in the state of New York. This was after he was found liable in a rape case. The rest of his court trials are lined up and waiting like idling airliners during an ominous FAA lockdown. Why is this charlatan even allowed in a race for the highest office in the nation? He doesn't represent me and I am pissed.

    So now is the time to get behind whomever emerges as the democratic nominee. Our hands are tied. But, you know what to do. It helps if you just focus on the greatest threat our democracy has ever known, and what you can do to prevent it. Vote, people. Vote.

  7. I will never understand the obsession Boomers on both sides of the aisle have with the Clintons. Give it up already!

  8. The people who wouldn’t vote for KH because of her sex or color were or are already Trumpers mostly. She’s smart, poised, and has been the AG of the nation’s most populous state, a US Senator, and the vice-president during the most positive-accomplishment presidency of most of America’s lives (excepting geezers like me). Hillz has already endorsed KH, not what she would do if she had her eyes on it (which she never did, she’s done and she knows it).

    1. If you like meaningless word salads, then Kamala is your gal. And her record as DA in CA is filled with broken promises- although see loved to use prison labor to help her buds out.

  9. My dad died of Dementia (made it to 92) and I could tell Biden was heading down that path years ago. It did speed up rapidly in the last year or so- wonder what people have been injecting recently to cause sudden adverse changes to their health?


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