Rip (Off) City

Here's where we all nod our heads knowingly. The Portland Trail Blazers, the fake pro basketball team that has tanked its way to universal laughability, is joining forces with Albina Vision, the fake Black reparations program, to promote the construction of more apartment bunkers occupied by white hipsters over where the Black neighborhood used to be. Oh, the "equity" of it all!

Here's the best part:

This new alliance will work across four strategic areas, according to the two groups. These are:

    • A joint development strategy for Lower Albina, including the Rose Quarter.
    • Joint storytelling and communications.
    • Joint legislative strategy and advocacy.
    • Joint celebration of community through events and gatherings.

I love the "legislative strategy and advocacy" bit. Translation: Your tax dollars are going to make some developers and construction weasels even richer than they are today. Hundreds of millions, no exaggeration. And hooray! Suddenly Paul Allen's sister gets a piece. 

First Deadly Deborah gets in on it, and now the Blazers. So many winners to bring us even more winning.


  1. “Joint storytelling?” By the developers?

    1. Those stories will get even better with a bong.

    2. A joint will do.

  2. Does anyone believe them anymore?

  3. Sounds like some great new buildings to get shot at by gang members running wild through their hood.

  4. About 60 years ago, Ralph Cake Sr and a bunch of white business leaders offered to do something similar in the Albina district, without using public money. The reception was rude.

  5. This is what you get when democrats run the state, county and city.

  6. Here's what I told Commissioner Carmen Rubio in response to her enthusiastic newsletter titled "The future of housing in Portland." Among other things, it reported that " According to the Portland Housing Bureau’s 2023 State of Housing Report, Black, Indigenous, and Latine households earning the average income could not afford the average home sale price in any Portland neighborhood."
    American-Venezuelan here. "Latine" indeed. Carmen Rubio is the Latina commissioner who disrespects the Spanish language spoken by almost 500 million people. She panders to progressive white gringo elites and their gender neuroses over real Latinos who want nothing to do with Frankenwords like "Latinx" or "Latine." Your hangups about gender are not ours. We have had it with progressives and their constant catering to the fringe of the fringe.

    I do not support collective racial claims to Portland neighborhoods. That's racist. So were the racially segregated meetings Albina Vision Trust held a number of years ago that were plainly documented on the organization's web site. Every resident of Portland should have the right to live wherever they wish so long as they can afford it. Deliberately creating black enclaves is odious redlining in reverse. I hope the attempt to grab Albina for blacks gets Portland sued.

    And no, not everybody has the right to live in Portland. I would love to live on the waterfront in Vancouver, B.C., in a condo overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge or in a co-op with a view of Central Park. Well, I can't. I don't have enough money to live there. If people who are gainfully employed can't afford to live in Portland, they can leave. As a taxpayer, I am not going to subsidize any housing except the minimum required for the most impoverished people.

    1. A lot of people on Portland agree and feel that way. Unfortunately, the fringe of the fringe are very adept at getting out the vote.


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