Not the Onion

The New York Times prints enough stupid stuff these days that it's impossible to flag it all, but I did want to point out the absurdity of this story, which ran above the fold on the front page yesterday, when they took a brief pause from their hot breaking news that Joe Biden is old. 

It's about how "independent" Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett supposedly is. You know, the handmaid judge sitting in one of the stolen seats? Apparently, because she hesitates a half-second before joining in the votes that are wiping out all respect for the Court, she's being influenced by the three liberal judges.

In a pig's eye!

Some days I wonder why I'm paying to read this drivel. It's awful.


  1. Several Justices (across the spectrum) have shown they don't vote as a block lately. Interesting to see what they are saying, if you put aside all political thoughts and see what they say about constitutional interpretation (still a lot like the old, old Federalist v Democratic-Republican issues), interpretive methods (sometimes there is political creep in them), and what each Justice values about our system and social order (spoiler - they reflect our society). Remember that just because somebody writes that there was politics in a decision doesn't mean there was.

  2. Some people see politics in the weather report

    1. Some people missed their grade school civics lessons

  3. This is the most political the Supreme Court has ever been in my adult life. Earl Warren and the boys had nothing on these people. But what went down in the ‘50s and ‘60s gained respect for the Court. Today’s version is just trashing it.

  4. No reason to pay for the drivel from the NYT at all. Dump it like so many others have done!

  5. Got news for you all- the Supreme court is not here to protect your rights, there are there to protect the owners' rights. Much like the rest of the Federal government.

    1. Yes, that is how it is now. It was not always so.

    2. Got to go back a lot further than that>

    3. I question such a list when it does not include Kelo vs New London.


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