It's all about Joe again

The news of the day, reading ever more like a horror story, includes word that senior Democrats in Congress are resigned to Joe Biden losing to Donald Trump in November. I've been hearing that sentiment from D.C. people for the last several months, actually, and although at first I was surprised, I can see now that they're on the money.

When the chroniclers write the history of Trump – if the human race survives long enough for such a history to be written – Biden will be prominently featured. Biden's decision not to run in 2016 led to the disastrous Democratic nomination of Hillary Clinton, whose baggage was too great for her. We'll never know for sure, but I do believe Biden would have beaten Trump in 2016, and by now no one would remember what "MAGA" meant. But the death of Biden's son meant that the time was not ripe for a White House run.

Now here we are in 2024, and again it's Biden's personal circumstances that may determine the country's, and Trump's, fate. The President is too old for another four years, and the public knows it, but emblematic of his entire generation, he thinks he knows everything and refuses to let go of the reins. I like Joe, and I am starting to sympathize with what it's like to be old, but the stakes are too high to fool around with here. 

Lately I've been trying to visualize the eight possible outcomes, and think about what each will feel like. None of them seems so good.

  1. Biden stays in, Trump stays in, Biden wins. Sleepy Joe may be slow, but he's better than Orange Caligula. Sigh of relief.
  2. Biden stays in, Trump stays in, Trump wins. Everybody told him so, but he wouldn't listen.
  3. Biden drops out, Trump stays in, Democrat wins. The unknown is scary, but anything is better than a rerun of Orange Caligula. Probably the best outcome, albeit nerve-racking.
  4. Biden drops out, Trump stays in, Trump wins. The devil America knows beats the devil it doesn't. Maybe we should have stuck with the Prez.
  5. Biden stays in, Trump drops out, Biden wins. Thank God, he's out of our faces.
  6. Biden stays in, Trump drops out, Republican wins. Everybody told him so, but he wouldn't listen.
  7. Biden drops out, Trump drops out, Democrat wins. All's well that ends well.
  8. Biden drops out, Trump drops out, Republican wins. Maybe they'll take their party back toward sanity now.
What a depressing set of scenarios we are working with, with so much riding on the personal life of Joseph Biden. Classic boomer drama, but as a reader points out, Joe is too old even to be called a boomer.


  1. The irony being after elected, Trump, places a horse in the Senate after the Pois....Country Gun Hoe-Down Shottin' event.

  2. I don't see Trump dropping out -- he wants to make the federal criminal cases against him go away and inflict everlasting pain on all of his enemies. Besides, he's a narcissist who loves the massive attention he's receiving. He's playing our country like a fiddle. And we're stupid enough to let him do it.

    1. Is there any politician who is not narcissistic? Biden is equally a narcissist, just a bit more classy.

    2. I agree with you. Trump just happens to be a flagrant narcissist who has little control over his attention-driven behavior. Biden has kept his version of narcissism largely under wraps - until now. Claiming that you're the only person on the planet who is "qualified" to beat Trump is quite a reveal, though.

    3. For sure. That and the "I did my goodest. That's what this is about" comment during the Stephanopolous interview.

  3. I like Jack’s posts when he avoids national stuff

  4. Joe is the silent generation, not a boomer. And, yes, he needs to go. I watched yet another painful reason why, the interview with Lestor Holt. Remember, the best Joe will ever be is right now, and the decline will continue.

  5. Billionaires decide who gets in. Voting machines are all proprietary and have been bought up over the years so that now only a few own them all. Voter roles don't match up with tax records. Georgia has 1000s of voters that are over 125 years old, as just one example.

  6. 9. Joe (or any D) & Trump wins. His next term goes very well for the country. But he's still the boogeyman?

  7. The disaster was the Democratic National Committe uniting around Hillary in 2016 to defeat Bernie, and in 2020, Obama's behind-the-scenes actions to fix the race for Biden.


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