For the kids at the Merc, a new dad

Big news for the staff at the Portland Mercury: Their publication has a new owner. It is a venture controlled by Brady Walkinshaw, a former Washington State House representative (D-Seattle) and currently CEO of the "climate justice" publication Grist. The Merc, a free Portland rag, is part of a package deal, purchased alongside the Seattle "alt" bi-weekly The Stranger and, probably most significantly from a money standpoint, a ticketing business called Bold Type Tickets. 

As the big boys say in the financial papers, the terms of the transaction have not been disclosed.

As of late last night, somewhat ominously, there was nothing on the Merc website about the sale, by Index Newspapers. But the Stranger site gave its first version of the deal here. The new ownership entity is called Noisy Creek.

At least in Seattle, it's being reported that "the new venture will rely in part on membership as a revenue generator." Sounds like a paywall to me. Would you pay to read what the kids in the Merc are writing?

It will be interesting to see whether new ownership will change the character of the Portland publication. Will they continue to relentlessly Stick It to the Man™? Are all cops still bastards, and should all prisons still be abolished? Most importantly, is the Summer of Slushies still on?

UPDATE, Tuesday afternoon: The Merc reports it here. The money quote: "Noisy Creek is a new publishing company composed of progressive hotties who believe that supporting alternative, progressive news and entertainment publications can inspire young people to get involved politically and culturally in their communities, thereby making life better for everyone."


  1. I don't even read what they write for free. There's absolutely no way I'm paying for that "service".

    1. Ditto for me. No one who writes for the Merc has any critical thinking skills. They reflexively take the most far-left, progressive position possible on every issue and their reporting bias to that effect is palpable...not a shred of pragmatism in their pages...anywhere. Their EIC -- Wm. Steven Humphrey -- has a "sense of humor" that is hardly beyond the level of high-school-level snark and bad bathroom humor.

  2. This appears on their home page at the moment:

  3. Never understood how they stayed afloat.

  4. Can’t remember the last time I looked at a Merc story or picked up the paper. It’s usually just spewing with psycho babble nonsense.

    1. I'm not sure there is a print version these days.


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