Don't harsh my buzz

I think I'm going to have to take a break from national politics for a little while. Have you noticed? Over the last 72 hours the social media version of it has gotten really ugly.

With Biden's noble withdrawal – which may or may not have been the most cleverly staged drama in recent history – the Party of MAGA finds itself running a feeble, mentally ill dictator wannabe against a well-trained, well-educated woman in her prime with a ton of money behind her. And then Orange Caligula goes and makes a disastrous choice of a running mate, one that will cost him dearly.

A week ago, what's left of the Republican Party was being led by a newly canonized martyr who figured he was about to mop the floor with a physically and mentally challenged opponent. Now, he's the mop-ee.

And so understandably, all the freaks in the Republican Party horror show are getting particularly nasty. It's all they have at the moment.

I refuse to even look at them, at least not right now. I'm feeling mildly optimistic about the near-term future, for a change. I'm going to enjoy that for a few days, at least.


  1. It's called the strategy of tension- keep us on edge 24/7 and fighting each other over things we have no control over. Good idea to let it go for a while, cause none of it is real.

  2. I have slept well for the first few nights in months, it’s sooooo nice to not feel like we are trancewalking into an abyss. It could well be that Lindsay Graham’s prediction that Trump will destroy the GOP is finally ready to come to fruition. McCain’s respectful and dignified attitude towards Obama reflected well on him and avoided generating any pro-Obama backlash — but Trump doesn’t have 1/10,000th of McCain’s gravitas or social skills, and the Don is highly likely to wild out with more and more slurs and tantrums as he sees his chance to end the federal cases against himself slipping away. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

  3. A lot of people I’d like to respect have been saying ugly things for quite a while

  4. Yeah it’s summer. This garbage will be on in the fall, we can tune in then.

    1. And we can enjoy the Olympics now! And just glance at the political news every so often, until the fall.

  5. C’mon, Jack, keep fighting the good fight. It’s for your daughters & future grandchildren. I’d think you’d be not only posting relevant, positive info about our nominee for president, but volunteering at the local democratic headquarters. You’ve already got a platform and an audience. Plus You’ve got a lot of skin in this game…maybe more than you realize because I don’t see posts about how this all affects the women in your family. Perhaps most men just don’t have any of that Mama Bear attitude and protection instinct for their girls’ futures. I’d be doing everything thing I could to counteract Vance and the “Orange Caligula” and the women who support them. For my girls.

    1. We'll all obviously vote against Orange Caligula and Couch Humper, but short of going to Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, etc., there's not much we can do that will really make much of a difference. I completely understand what this race means for women, and I plan to vote and speak accordingly. Abortion is just the start. Next they're coming for birth control and no-fault divorce. After that, women will becme property again.

    2. "Childless cat ladies" for Harris thank you for your support.


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