Donnie's bullet

The FBI says that Orange Caligula's ear was in fact hit by a bullet, or perhaps a piece of a bullet, at his Pennsylvania rally two weeks ago. (Can you believe it was only two weeks ago? It feels like two months.) And right before the feds issued this pronouncement, the New York Both-Sides Times made sure to do their own "analysis" and conclude that yes, it was definitely a bullet.

The Times is quick to point out when Donnie isn't lying. If only they'd talk about when he is. But then they'd hardly have room for anything else.

But let's get real. Whatever grazed his ear, it hardly scratched him, and the maxi-pad he wore at the convention was an absurd fake. Here's how the martyr's ear looked yesterday. 

The ex-prez and his phony former-doctor friend (whose name Donnie can't even remember) are insisting that the cut was more serious. Of course they are. The game plan (perfected by Vladimir Putin) is to lie about everything, no matter how inconsequential, all the time, no matter how preposterous the lie, so that the public can't tell true from false any more. Sadly, it's a pretty effective plan.

Last night, it got even more terrifying.

The ex-president told the audience of Christians that they “won’t have to” vote again after this election, saying “we’ll have it fixed so good.”

“You won’t have to do it anymore, four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore,” Trump said. “You’ve got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote.”

He's coming right out and saying it now. This November most definiitely is about the future of our democracy, folks. That is not an exaggeration. 


  1. The sky is falling.

  2. Everyone should read Heather Cox Richardson’s book Democracy Awakening.
    These pronouncements aren’t new; some go back to the 1930sand even back to the 1860s. Paul Manafort and Roger Stone worked for tricky Dick Nixon and now they work for Trump. Trump is an “imperfect vessel”, so said Steve Bannon ( now in prison). Those are just some of the folks pulling Trump’s puppet strings.
    The republic of the United States will no longer exist if these people are allowed to rule here.

  3. Wednesday, July 24, 2024 .. "I think I'm going to have to take a break from national politics for a little while. Have you noticed? Over the last 72 hours the social media version of it has gotten really ugly."

    Your the Joy Reid of Portland Jack. When I see seething hatred like this I often think people of this nature recognize some of the distaste they despise in themselves.

    1. Seething hatred? Exposing mass-dumbing nonsense is, at worst, fair exercise of the right to hate nonsense and, IMHO, a far better pursuit than amateur pop psychology.

  4. “Trump said: "Christians, get out and vote, just this time. "You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians."

    My beautiful Christians? It’s like his past references to “my Supreme Court justices” or “my 2nd Amendment people”.

  5. To paraphrase Sun Tzu. Let your foes self destruct on their own.

    1. I'm familiar with Lao Tzu.I didn't know he had a Sun.

    2. There's a whole slew of Chinese philosophers, poets and sages that have their names contracted to their surnames and 'Tzu,' as an honorific.

    3. Sun wasn’t much of a poet. But, he wrote some good stuff.

  6. Elaborate hoax, especially with footage of the two teleprompters undamaged before and after.

  7. Can’t let the potential swamp drainer be a hero.

    1. Can't forget the deep state cabal takeover. Mad Libs is so fun!

  8. If you think this is not a military/intelligence/cabal run country you've been asleep for decades. JFK files still locked up, nobody got canned for 9/11, millions of people protesting the fake war on Iraq and made ZERO difference in this "democracy". And btw the ONLY Trump rally that CNN broadcast live was the shooting- and there were many more there just waiting for the head explosion shot. And just forget that the fire fighter had his skull blown off and others seriously injured. And will the FBI tell us that the bullets used were much larger than from a AR? Don't hold your breath- well for some of you go ahead.

  9. 51 former intelligence officials said he wasn't hit by anything.


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