Deadly Deborah's new paycheck

Order has been restored to the cosmos with the news that Deadly Deborah Kafoury, the former chair of the dysfunctional and failed Multnomah County commission, is back on the public payroll. She's now going to be the "chief of staff" of the Portland public schools, a job for which she is qualifed because... well, they'll think of something. Her kids went to public school. Okay then!

"In her new position, Kafoury will oversee philanthropic initiatives, climate justice initiatives and strategic partnerships, said a PPS spokesperson." Whatever that means. Nobody's bothering to say what The Latest Kafoury will be paid, but the last "chief of staff" reportedly made $204,231 plus benefits. One of nine central office suits over $200,000. But the schools are broke, honest, they need higher taxes!


  1. “Climate justice initiatives” means what exactly? Putting air conditioning in all the schools would be a start so kids are sitting in a sweltering classroom when they start school during a September heat wave.

    Seriously what do these people do to land these jobs which they have no specialized training for just their “lived experience”. Do they go to a dinner party and see an old friend who asks how they are doing and upon learning they are currently unemployed says “your hired if $200k plus benefits works for you.”

    1. The biggest scam going because it blames all of us for the climate, of which everyone uses weather swings as proof. It used to be blaming us as sinners for failing to live perfect lives, but that is tough to make a fortune on these days. CO2, the gas of life, is a much better con.

  2. Deborah knows how to locate the closet where the party in power hid the skeletons

  3. Strategic partnership is a term that means how do we siphon off money that should go to teachers and classrooms into greasy palms that might help us run for some other political gig.

  4. You spent the better part of a decade complaining about "the Orange Calligula", someone tries to assassinate him - an historical event by any measure - and all we get in the days afterwards are articles about tennis and "Deadly Deborah"???

    1. Deborah’s political journey is another classification of social corruption.

    2. If you are anxious to see yet another story published about that event, you should by all means write one. I don't see how Jack is under any obligation to service our demands for content. We get to read some pretty good stuff for free, so maybe just appreciate that.

    3. When I see a reliable doctor's report about the true extent of Caligula's injuries, I might write a few words. Meanwhile, haven't you heard? Mass shootings in America by wackjobs wth AR-15s aren't news. It's a mental health problem. We just have to get over it.

    4. He's going to work that "box on the ear" (tm) as long as he can.

  5. I like it better when Jack stays out of the national stuff

    1. Yes, I should probably leave that to Lauren Boebert for you.

    2. Didn’t know she had a blog

  6. Just a personal note to Jack: sir, you have the most extensive and interesting collection of terribly unflattering photos of local pols imaginable. I salute you.

    1. I work hard to provide a quality experience for you, the reader. 😃

  7. Absolutely terrible and absurd hire by PPS, but also not surprising.


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