Bullet Park

Another summer means more gunfire at Dawson Park, across the street from Emanuel Hospital where north and northeast Portland meet. The latest incident was in broad daylight on a weekday afternoon, witnessed by parents who there to pick up their kids from the preschool across the street.

The shooter reportedly fired at least 70 shots. Two people were hit and are expected to survive.

Dawson Park is a symbol of a lot of what's gone wrong in Portland. I wrote about it here last summer. Heck, I've written about it often. Maybe the saddest post was this one. Unfortunately, nothing's changed.

I could understand this happening under the previous police chief, Chuck Love L., because he was a complete do-nothing. But I'm surprised that the new chief, Bob Day, appears to be okay with the status quo. It's way past time to straighten out that park and its surroundings, regardless of the political fallout. The situation there is a disgrace.


  1. I wish the cop’s could do more to help that neighborhood. But, I can’t ignore the thought that the identities of most perpetrators are know and no one says anything.

    1. Yep, it’s the usual suspects. Longtime residents just seem to be ok with it. Pretty sad…

  2. For about a month (1970s) my family attended Vancouver Avenue Baptist church as a sort of outreach. It was a really lively and active church, an anchor in the community. Maybe if we hadn't run the black families out of the neighborhoods so the recent influx of young know-nothings could have a close-in residence they could afford, it might be a much safer place. Maybe if we had tried to really integrate our black neighbors with real participation in the economy and community, instead of lip service and platitudes, it would be a safer place. But hey the New York mafia only looked at that place as an opportunity to make a buck by "revitalizing it".

    1. This has happened so many times in and adjacent to that nasty park. Time to bulldoze it and build a Trader Joe’s or another Legacy Clinic. I could care less about the people always crying about gentrification. Too late, you can’t take care of your park? Say bye bye to it!

  3. It is insane the city hasn’t installed a few of the magic orange barrels!

    1. Remarkably, the preschool moms think speed bumps are the answer. That and more "outreach." I'm surprised the park ranger solution has not been tried. The rangers are probably too scared to hang at that location.

    2. Anyone, in any sort of uniform, would stand out and probably be a target. I wouldn’t want to have a park ranger posted in that park.
      Every time I’ve been by that park it’s been empty


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