A poor fake. As usual.

Orange Caligula's 92-minute part speech-part rant last night was pretty darned scary. But I couldn't help but stare at the crap they had stuck to his ear. It obviously was not any kind of bandage that would have been applied by a licensed medical professional. But fake everything, that's Donnie, no surprise there.

What I couldn't get over is how the thing was hanging off his head in a way that, depending on the way he was facing, let you see the place where the bullet supposedly grazed him five days earlier. The place of greatest apparent impact, where the top of the ear attaches to the skull, wasn't covered by the fake bandage at all.

The pad, whatever it is, sure seems to be in the wrong place. What were the bloodiest parts of the ear appeared to be perfectly fine. It seems to me that Cadet Bonespurs, though lucky not to have been killed, was hardly scratched. 

These folks don't even lie well. And sadly, they don't have to.

Not everyone was as lucky as Dear Leader, of course. One guy in the Saturday crowd gave his life. For Donald Trump. What a waste.

The other thing I couldn't stop watching last night were the faces of the adoring crowd at the convention. Including lots of women, young women even. You've gone a long way backward, baby.


  1. Supposedly grazed him?……wow

    1. He was hit by something, but a bullet from an assault rifle? Maybe not.

    2. We’ll never know whether his ear was grazed by a bullet or cut by flying glass, as the physician who reportedly treated him was none other than Ronny Jackson.

    3. Real doctors treated him at the hospital, but they know they can’t say anything under federal privacy rules unless Caligula says it’s okay. And he never lets anyone spoil the con.

    4. The derangement syndrome is really tiresome.

  2. Does that picture of his bloody ear look like an impact wound? It doesn’t to me, so “graze” is an apt description. Also per media reports they aren’t sure if the wound was caused by a bullet or shattered glass from the teleprompter.

    Ironically he was turning to give statistics (false ones at that) about immigration during his last administration, so immigrants saved his life in a sense.

  3. And the attendees who put fake “bandage” pillows on their ears….
    These people are sick!

  4. Pearl-clutching is no longer amusing

  5. Wow, this blog has taken a disgusting turn. Unsubscribe.

  6. I think the big bandage is more to hide a very small wound or scratch that looks more like something you'd do if you cut yourself shaving. Over compensating is kind of an issue with the cretin.

  7. The size of the bandage suggests cosmetic surgery may be necessary. A functioning press corps would be putting that question to the GOP powers that be.

    1. A functioning press corps is a memory from the past

  8. So you would be happy if his head got blown off? CNN hates Trump and never covers his rallies live- except for last Saturday. An undercover FBI dressed in Trump gear was recording Trumps head from the stands well before the shots went off. Of course it was just a deranged kid that just happened to get on a nearby roof with a rifle and then managed to get shots off and nobody had a clue. Interesting that that kid has several off-shore bank accounts. And btw, Trump likely got hit with a bullet fragment from the fireman who was killed- as a bullet nipping his ear at full speed would have done much more damage. Oh and don't forget the massive shorting on his Truth Social stock, days before.

    1. Not to mention the little green men who were seen harvesting the organs of livestock nearby.

    2. Trump dodging a bullet increased his street cred and probably has won him the election along with Bidens debate performance. Had it gone the other way though we would have been spared that 'Triumph of the Will' Republican convention.

    3. It wasn’t just his debate performance. If you’d been paying attention, his debate performance was no surprise.


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