They got to keep the money

Neil Goldschmdit has died. Everyone will have an obituary. They will say all the obvious things.

But don't forget something they won't talk about much, if at all. When Goldschmidt wasn't in public office – and who knows, maybe even when he was in public office – he used his position as political boss of Oregon to make fortunes, many times over, for himself and his cronies. They got a piece of the action everywhere, for a long time. They controlled everything.

A former speechwriter for Neil, Fred Leonhardt, called this out in 2011, after the rape had been revealed. I wrote about Leonhardt's piece here, and it's worth repeating:

Yesterday the Eugene paper published a provocative op-ed article by Leonhardt. In it, he lists many prominent Portlanders whom he regards with disgust because of their closeness to Goldschmidt, and at least some of their complicity in, or condoning of, the former guv's sorry misdeeds.

Here are the names mentioned in the article, in the order in which they appear:

Vera Katz
Mike Schrunk
Rabbi Manny Rose
Bob Burtchaell
Alan Webber
Homer Williams
Earl Blumenauer
Ted Kulongoski

Of course, that is just the tip of a large iceberg of Portland big shots, all of whom should reflect on these words:

For the privilege of being in on "The Deal"; for the money made from corporate takeovers, condo developments and light rail extensions; for the cushy executive position with all the perks; for the high political office; for the entry to the Arlington Club; for the skids greased and the backs scratched; for nothing more than an occasional pat on the head from the Great Man himself; for a young girl’s life — the best and the brightest looked the other way.

There was no conspiracy of silence. People talked. People knew. Instead, there was a conspiracy of indifference — which is far worse.

They still attend parties in his honor. To this day, they are lost without him telling them what to do. "People like Neil don’t come along very often," former Gov. Ted Kulongoski reminds us.

All of that rings true to this day. The obituaries should read more like Richard Daley's than the "fallen genius" pablum we'll be getting for the next few days.

Maybe now that Goldschmidt's dead, someone will tell us who really killed Michael Francke, and why.

UPDATE, 7:00 p.m.: The memories flood back. Who can forget?

The man certainly had chutzpah  (or as they call it in eastern Oregon, "hoopster”).


  1. The memorial will, no doubt, be large and private. Lars should hire a cameraman to post-up outside and see who shows up.

  2. Maybe Democrats in Oregon Legislature should introduce legislation to END the Statute of Limitations for child rape cases. Goldschmidt "skated" with no criminal charges/trial/prison time due to said statutes. Oh and the victim's mother???

    1. I believe the legislature had already done what you're suggesting, but the effective date of the change was after Goldschmidt's crimes.

      I remember Mike Schrunk in the O with "Neil still has a lot to offer." When they first falsely reported he was retiring for health reasons, Vera Katz was in the paper, too, beside herself with grief, praising him to high heaven. A lot of stuff that appeared on the internet at the time will be hard, if not impossible, to find now. These days Earl the Pearl will tell you he hardly knew the guy.

    2. Jack, after my retirement I volunteered with OAASIS (Oregon Abuse Advocates and Survivors in Service), a non-profit that supports adult survivors of child sexual abuse, lobbies for legislation in support of survivors, and educates the public about abuse. The organization successfully worked to eliminate the statute of limitations for civil suits against child abusers. But our efforts to eliminate the criminal statute of limitations failed. In most states where legislatures have removed criminal statues of limitation for child sex abuse, it’s been the Democrats who wanted the limitations removed and the so-called "law and order" Republicans who resisted. In Oregon, Republicans AND Democrats resisted. We could not even get the bill out of committee. I believed then, and still believe, the Democrats didn’t want Goldschmidt to go to prison for raping a child. Now that he’s dead, maybe we can pass that law. Victims often don’t have the strength, maturity, or courage to report their abuse until years and sometimes decades have passed. Statutes of limitations on this kind of crime only protect abusers, enabling them to continue hurting children.

  3. Some of the old heavy weights at the O knew and wouldn’t let the info be published

    1. So many people knew. The big mystery to me is why Willamette Week decided to lift the cone of silence when it did. It could have done so at any time.

    2. The end came for Goldschmidt when State Sen Vicky Walker handed off court documents from Seattle to a WW reporter. The D's will never forgive Walker..............

    3. That is the story, but the guys at the Weed had, at a minimum, heard the story many times, long before then. I think Vicki Walker was probably their Lee Harvey Oswald.

  4. Thanks Jack. Looked it up and laws were changed and signed by Kotek last September but unable to find when the previous changes were made.

    1. I believe some were made in 2009. The scandal broke in 2011.

    2. The scandal broke in 2004 according to an Obit I read. The "O" headline said it was an "affair" (with a 14 year old)

    3. Oops, you are correct. 2011 was around the time they were taking his portrait down in the state capitol.

  5. To a more deserving guy, it couldn’t have happened.

  6. So much was known about him but he was still treated like royalty for so long afterwards.

    1. Money. And the power that brings it.

    2. Money corrupts some people and Neil knew how to find them. The politically ambitious ones were the easiest targets

  7. Many in Oregon media may have known about his crimes, but there's just one little pesky problem when it comes to reporting: having enough evidence to back up your allegations, lest you get sued into oblivion. I surmise that's what held back many a journalist until Nigel Jaquiss and his superiors at WW devoted the time, energy, and resources to track down the necessary smoking guns in the mid '00s.

    Arguably, this should have all been done in the early '80s, if not sooner. Why that didn't happen? Your guess = as good as mine but, like you said, he was still a golden boy even after he left office.

    1. Writers and”journalists” at that time knew how to write around sensitive info. But, he was ideologically their guy and they didn’t want to spoil his path

  8. I was involved in a conversation in another forum this morning. The guy said "I'm more of a Hatfield guy anyway."

    Buddy, Goldschmidt and Packwood weren't the only ones hoping The O would help them run out the clock.

    1. Remember Hatfield's Steuben glass scandal? I do. Now go try to find a trace of it anywhere. Saint Hatfield. And the canonization of Saint Wyden is next.

    2. Witnesses heard Hatfield make Sig Unander a promise. Then stabbed him in the back. Mark could be a cold SOB

    3. Google "Hatfield" and "Basil Tsakos" together - a 40-year-old scandal that slid off the Senator into oblivion.

  9. The “aide” to Goldschmidt, who was the mother of his victim and apparently valued her political career more than she did her children, has never been named publicly (at least to my knowledge.

    Why does she deserve protection? She had to know, didn’t she? She was too close to the situation to be unaware of it. Pimping out one’s minor daughter to some golden-boy politico seems criminal. At least it should be.

    1. It was easier to find this angle written up years back. Exactly my take, that she pimped her daughter out secondary to her party fealty.

  10. They loved all that greasy money from New York banking and Neil was their boy to dish it out. Still going on today, which is why the developers have so much influence. Not sure who the bag man or lady is now- Vera's been gone for a while.

  11. At least when he was Mayor you could say hi to him on the street and he'd acknowledge you with a smile and a wave. Tom McCall was also friendly. I met Earl Blumehaur in a non official situation and I said something like "Nice to meet my representative in DC." and he literally sneered at me. A total dick.


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