News from Skinner's Mudhole

I see that the University of Oregon has replaced that awful basketball floor of theirs. They refuse to admit that the whole attempt at a forest motif was a mistake, but at least they've made the trees far less obtrusive. And the greatest relief: They've ditched the soiled-diaper brown and yellow for a standard green. Now when the Ducks' new Big 10 Conference competitors show up, they won't be quite so aghast.

Meanwhile, on a more significant note, there's talk of moving the Olympic track and field trials out of Eugene in the future. They're there now through Sunday for the current crop of Olympics hopefuls. And Hayward Field, the Ducks' track, is hallowed ground, which Uncle Phil has turned into quite a Mecca for the sport (albeit with a curious, remarkably dildo-like tower). But the usual complaints about the city – not enough hotel rooms, lousy-to-nonexistent air service, world's worst grass pollen counts in late spring and early summer – could prompt a move to, egads, they're talking about L.A.

In years past, I have had summer business in Eugene, and in Olympic years, the town does get overwhelmed. But in the Silver Lining Department, a couple of times I had to stay in Cottage Grove, the next town down the freeway, and it was a truly sweet place, what Oregon used to be. You did have to watch out for state troopers with radar guns between the two cities, but I was well-advised about that by the locals. As for the grass pollen, it was bad every year. That Frankengrass they're growing in the valley for the golf courses is nasty stuff. It's not you, it's them.

Anyway, to save the Olympic trials, Uncle Phil may have to build a new airport and a couple of hotels. If it comes to that, and he's still around, I wouldn't put it past him.


  1. Off topic but hey Neil got his start at U of O - you got a shout out from Phil Stanford today. He has now admitted that he was the one that found the payoff settlement doc that was eventually reported by WW.

  2. I suppose there is a perfect place to hold Olympic trials.

  3. If the City of Eugene would like to retain this event, clearly they're going to have to do something to keep the event there, by fixing some of these issues. If they don't have the political capital to spend on it, then start explaining to the voters why the biggest event in that venue is no longer going to be in that venue after spending all that money.

  4. The Trials may be in LA in 2028 (it’s what I would expect to happen just as it happened in 1984) but the Athletic piece quoting the LA organizers made putting a track in the LA Coliseum a Herculean task which would be nearly impossible to do in time for the trials, which I would expect per the usual schedule would occur about 5-6 weeks before the Olympics, so just the right time for a dry run.

    Eugene will and should remain the primary host of the Trials. Attempts to hold them elsewhere have been underwhelming in terms of crowds. Weather is also a factor. 1992 in New Orleans was absolutely brutal. Sacramento on 2000, 2004 was blistering hot meaning the TV window on the east coast was closed with events starting around 700p at night.

    Eugene was magical this weekend and I expect the same tonight and next weekend. If you have the time grab tickets on StubHub and go see the hardest team to make.

    1. No amount of Sudafed would enable me to sit outside in Eugene in late June.

    2. You hate Eugene. We get it.

    3. I like Eugene. But not until mid-July. And the whole Duck jock thing I could take or leave.

  5. Between the minor league baseball people and now USATF, there's sure a lot of hands out in Eugene. We haven't even gotten to what the B1G will ask of them. Watch the private equity hyenas start sniffing around soon. They know a mark when they see one. They've already attached themselves to Phil's Blazers bid.

    Sport, as we know it today, won't exist by 2035.

    1. What does PE have to do with the Trials? They are overseen by the national governing body (USATF) and organized by the local organizing committee (Tracktown USA). Nike underwrites many of the costs through their association with USATF and the facility is a university facility (Knight was the lead donor on the construction), so unsure if this “ask” you reference.

      Private equity wants to open sports franchises which USATF is not.

      Lots of handwringing over a poorly written Athletic piece on a topic which comes up every 4 years.

    2. *”own” not “open”


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