It grows on trees

Portland is such a font of bad ideas. Now we're going to vote on giving everybody $750 cash, no strings attached. Make the corporations pay for it. Stick it to The Man!®

Oregon voters will likely decide in November whether to establish a historic universal basic income program that would give every state resident roughly $750 annually from increased corporate taxes.

Proponents of the concept say they likely have enough signatures to place it on the ballot this fall, and opponents are taking them seriously.

Of course, The Man owns the grocery store, and the gas station, and the drug store. And he's going to pass that tax right on to you in higher prices. But go ahead, kids. Knock yourselves out.

This one's an even goofier version of "basic income for all" than the one Chevy Vega and Moonlight Beason are peddling. Who thinks this stuff up?

Hint: It's not some local hairstylist. Just look who's pushing it. More out-of-state money that needs a place for socialist experimentation and knows how stupid Oregon voters are. Just like with decriminalizing hard drugs, and you see how that worked out.

Oregon People’s Rebate has received about $740,000 in contributions and spent all but about $10,000. The highest contributor by far is Jones Holding LLC, a corporation based in Los Angeles and controlled by investor and universal basic income fan Josh Jones that has given $425,000. The second largest contributor is a related L.A.-based corporation, Jones Parking Inc., which contributed nearly $95,000. The third largest source of contributions are the foundation and mother of Gerald Huff, a software engineer and advocate of universal basic income from California who died in 2018. Huff’s foundation and mother have contributed $90,000 combined.

“Yes, the funders are from California, but these are not like nefarious outside interests here,” Martinez said. “These are people who are committed to basic income.”

Speaking of drugs, how much of those $750's will wind up in hands of fentanyl dealers, pot shops, and liquor stores? I'll bet quite a bit. 

I'm starting to feel about Oregon the way I have always felt about Idaho. And Florida. It's a lovely setting, but the politics are toxic. Especially now, with all the L.A. money fueling the worst of it.


  1. Omigish! I was reading thos on the "O" and thinking "I wonder what Bodanski's take is going to be?" Exactly when did this county and state get so messed up?

  2. You couldn't live in Portland on 750 a month. Our city leaders seem to draw most of their ideas from the book Ecotopia. I read this book back in the 70's when I was in my early 20's and thought it was a great idea but back then I was pretty stupid.

    1. With many city employees those who played Sim City in their youth, but have never worked an honest job.

  3. Wait til you wake up some morning and realize the politics in ID or FL actually aren't toxic.

    1. Only for people with souls.

  4. A 3% tax on gross sales over $25 million. Yikes! Do Oregon voters want ANY businesses in the state? Certainly, none will relocate here. It may very well come down to a "free" $750 or a salary.

  5. Whatever UBI is, it sure as hell isn't a once yearly handout of $750. That's not income, it's a handout. That won't cover any basics, but will be fun to spend for everyone who gets handed it. There's no social goals being advanced by it other than hey, let's stick it to the corporations, man!

  6. Earlier this season they were gathering signatures before a Timbers game outside PP. the guy canvassing for signatures used the opening line “want to be given $750 no string attached and it won’t cost you anything? Sign this petition and we’ll get it on the ballot.”

  7. As predicted they are going to force "universal" income on us come hell or high water. The biggest tool is inflation where nobody can afford basic living requirements. The next tool is a huge market crash as the dollar collapses. Oregon has always been a trial run state- likely because there is no corruption here...

  8. Economically this is an absolutely horrible concept. It will dramicslly raise prices on just about everything in our state. Also, $750 a YEAR isn’t a UBI.

  9. Jack you're a tax professor. Why don't you jump into the fray and speak out against this idiocy? Reach out to Pat Doris of KGW's The Story or something. Let's make some noise.

  10. Just like the pandemic checks. I wonder how much went to rent, basic expenses, or savings. I'm guessing a lot of that money went to big flat screen tvs, booze and pot.


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