Radio Nowhere

An alert reader sends along a link to this story in the New York Times today about the mounting troubles at National Public Radio. They're losing listeners, and sponsors, and their decision to take their on-air content further to the left isn't reversing the worrisome trends.

I just nodded in agreement as I read the story. Here in Portland, the public radio, OPB, has jumped the shark. They're now recruiting reporters from places like the Mercury, and when they get to the radio, the kids don't tone it down much from their Stick It To The Man™ days. Lately OPB comes across like a watered-down, middle-aged version of the Merc. I don't know who they think the audience is for that. But it ain't me. I never listened much even when they were just slightly to the left of center. Now that they're full-tilt Tera Hurst, they're utterly dead air to me.

If I've got time to hear the news read, I do like the Global News podcast from the BBC. Then it's Al Franken, who's always great pod fodder. And by then it's time to take the headphones off and live.


  1. They lost me about a decade ago when they were putting on paid hacks for everyone from Saudi Arabia to Russia to name your Federalist case du jour. Not to mention every Republican from Cruz to Zinke LOVES to visit NPR to prattle about and yell at the librul media. It's too much. Like you, I've turned off most everything except for a few niche podcasts like The Right Time and The Square Ball. Good times.

  2. I couldn’t live without NPR. Besides, where am I going to get my news about the discrimination and suffering that Vietnamese, trans rice growers encounter on a daily basis.

    But seriously, as an avid radio listener and DXer, it pains me to learn about problems in the radio industry. A lot of it self-imposed.

  3. Wish they’d air something interesting.

  4. Soros to the rescue. He just bought up something like a 1/3 of all talk/news radio stations. The new head of NPR has quite the resume: CFR, WEF, Atlantic Council, and others. You will know nothing (other than what we tell you) and be happy.

    1. Good news. Anything to clear the landscape of Clear Channel nonsense.

  5. Oh no! Jack the out of touch boomer won’t listen to them, what will they ever do?!?!?!

    1. Lose even more listeners and advertising dollars apparently. Did you even read the article?

  6. I have the opposite problem with NPR. There is some worthwhile content, but the main news shows, Morning Edition and All Things Considered, are typical liberal media siding with establishment Democrats to quash anything that would amount to actual reform within the Democratic Party. I really started to notice in during the 2016 presidential primary when NPR ridiculed Bernie at every turn, even equating his "populism" with Trump's. They shamelessly supported neoliberal Hillary just like every other mainstream liberal media outlet.

    The neoliberal mainstream media in America is why we we'll never achieve programs like Medicare for All while we pretend that the Democratic Party isn't just shilling for corporate America. The Democratic Party has become the Republican Party, and the Republican Party has become insane.

    1. Air America failed for a reason. I still remember listening before/after the Hillary debacle, and they doubled-down on their stances even after she got trounced. Progressive policies don’t have much pull with the average American. Progressive radio is basically an echo chamber.....a sparsely occupied echo chamber at that.

  7. Fat with fat .. tons of living large bonuses and spiffs. It’s a bore today. Locally they wanted $500 for a :15 dec spot. Told them to F off


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