An interesting candidate

I continue to look around to see if there's anybody worth voting for in May. I live in one of the districts electing a Multnomah County commissioner this time around. It's District 2, the one Sushi Jayapal is leaving to try to go nepo with her sister in Congress. So we get to choose somebody to fill in for the rest of her term on the commission.  In the meantime (and it may go through a runoff in November), we get her literally hand-picked temp, Jesse Beason, who's outrageously moonlighting from a cushy gig as the "executive director" of a nonprofit.

So who's running for the Jayapal seat? I see five names. The one that jumps out is Sam Adams. Automatic no on that one. Then there are a couple of "equity" managers from the county and state bureaucracies. More automatic no's. That narrows it down to Nick Hara, a tech bro who's worked for AOC; and Jessie Burke, who runs and at least partially owns the Society Hotel in Old Town.

I see that Burke was the person who got kicked off Governor Kohoutek's farcical street crisis "task force" for not toeing the party line on some issues. She's involved in the campaign to have Nathan Vasquez replace Mikey Schmidt as county D.A. – a campaign that I very much support, but Burke's involvement raised some hackles somewhere.

That's enough for me to read. Unless some fatal flaw emerges, I'll be voting for Burke, and urging others to do the same.


  1. What's the definition of insanity?...

    1. I think there's a picture of Portland, Oregon in the dictionary next to the definition.

  2. Yeah this one won’t require too much thought. She’ll probably lose to Sam but not on my account.

    1. You are correct. The worst thing that happens to a city is when the work trucks and affordable cars are replaced in driveways by brand new Subarus, Audis, Mercedes and the like.

      Not a lot of manufacturing left in Portland. A lot of government though. They may not fix the roads or be effective at anything. But they are great at marketing and political hob-nobbing. Good enough to fool most of the local media.

  3. One isn’t enough. She’ll be outvoted by the remaining nitwits and nothing will change. Portland is the new Detroit- it’s never coming back and that’s a shame.

    1. One is a start and Detroit is on the upswing. The Motor City ain't what it was (and Portland won't be what it was either when it comes back), but the story of its demise are false.

      Now quit bitching and help get this thing turned around.

    2. Just spoke to my neighbor who has friends in Detroit and no, it’s not coming back. As for pitching in and helping with Portland’s comeback, I already spent 25 years making Portland great (1995 to 2021). Portland was a lovely, liberal town that I was proud to be a part of. The problem now is people who view it as some hotbed of white supremacy who are trying to solve a problem that just doesn’t exist and in doing so have ruined everything about Portland that use to make it so great.

    3. Portland was a great town when the majority of jobs were related to timber, lumber manufacturing, grain export and light manufacturing. There weren’t very many jobs in the government. If I recall non-profits didn’t exist in those days.
      The analogy with Detroit is embarrassing. But accurate.

  4. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw "Sam" signs. He just keeps coming back, like a bad penny. Or a bad case of the clap.

  5. I’ve known Jessie Burke for quite sometime, as she founded/owned/operated an excellent bakery and coffee shop on N. Denver in Kenton called Posies until 2020 (I believe she sold her share to focus on the hotels). She is smart, honest, and super hard working. She has also been a fierce advocate for the Kenton neighborhood. She would make an excellent county commissioner.

  6. The OR legislature voting to bump the out the urban growth boundary to (likely) build more free-for-all cul-de-sac affluent suburban garbage & prevent current residents from opposing it while we have unbuilt empty lots in major city limits and a downtown falling apart.

    We already made that mistake after ‘68, to make that mistake again in 2024 with overwhelming data and evidence is really remarkable, but the powers that be will just keep pushing for it…

    I hope people are sick enough of Sam Adams.
    Never had a real job, dug in tick since Katz /awful little Martin prince like little west wing turd/wonderkind , &, apparently a creep?

    Then again, idk if he’s worse as a staffer / dug in tick higher up or as a public face people can see a bit more & dislike?
    Why can’t he just stay in D.C. and be a lobbyist?
    He sucks so bad he fumbled that bag & our incentive structure never flushes any of these leeches?

    I think this place will persist/there are places that are worse for land use & in the climate disaster, but ‘come back’ to pre 2020 protest levels even, much less pre ‘08 recession &/or early 90s & before cheap energy/still relative abundance of light industry (even if timber has been steady decline since 1975), probably not/no time soon…

    Wish this candidate luck, but nowhere near the district.
    I really hope voters come to their senses a little/develop a nose for BS and realize how dry the talent pool is lately.

    1. Adams isn’t “apparently” a creep, he IS a creep. He was caught diddling an underage boy, and there reportedly are others out there as well.

    2. The media tolerance for Sam says more about the people working in the media than Sam’s creepiness.

  7. End times are here. Headline: Dozens of Layoffs in Portland Permitting Bureau

    1. That's because the bureau is almost 100% funded by the permit fees. If fees are less, layoffs are inevitable.

    2. Anyone seen the canary

  8. Bean demands, "Now quit bitching and help get this thing turned around".
    Curious, what does that look like? Have any suggestions? It seems to me people are entirely justified in their reluctance, or even refusal, to engage or participate in what cannot even be defined or articulated.
    Is Bean suggesting people stand on a corner and scream? How about visiting the city or county to voice 3 minutes of concerns? I don't think there is anything at all people can do to "turn things around". The momentum for the status

    1. quo is an insurmountable current.

  9. I was walking down NE 33rd the other day and saw Sam put up lawn signs. I've spent this week on walks with my gf picking up those lawn signs and collecting them in my garage. Anyone who asks me why I'm doing it, I just say "Arts Tax."


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