More high drama on Pill Hill

The fallout from the pervy OHSU doctor with the upskirt photo thing continues to grow this week. Now the president of the university has fired the dean of the medical school for some sort of conduct regarding the investigation into how the school's latest scandal was (mis)handled.

Just to make it Portland weird, the president is named Jacobs (left) and the canned dean is named Jacoby (right). 

In an email sent to staff this afternoon, Jacobs said he asked Jacoby to resign because “Jacoby’s choices over the past several weeks have undermined a confidential process that OHSU, with our Office of Civil Rights Investigations and Compliance, is devoted and dedicated to building and enhancing, and I have lost confidence in his leadership.”

Jacobs didn’t describe those choices, but in January, Jacoby sent a seven-page letter to select staff explaining his role in the scandal, an account that didn’t mesh in all ways with communications from Jacobs.

“When any individual in a leadership capacity prioritizes self-interest over guiding principles of the organization and its well-being, it not only undermines their integrity, but it also casts a long and dark shadow over the very essence of what we must uphold,” Jacobs wrote today. “Such actions are antithetical to the core values that form the bedrock of our community and erode the trust and respect integral to our success.”

Spoken like a true $1.6 million-a-year honcho

To have the suits on Pill Hill slinging dirt at each other like this is bad enough, but remember, if you're a patient in the Legacy system, these dudes are about to take over your health care. Better keep up that fitness regimen.


  1. Well good thing that Legacy and Regence / Anthem / BlueCross are in a negotiation spat that will end up with Legacy being out-of-network at the end of next month then.

    Sounds like the incoming leadership is just as bad as the outgoing.

    1. Or you could have Providence, where they've botched the anesthesiology contract so badly that you can't have elective surgery.

  2. Any time you hear, "that form the bedrock..." you know it's mostly BS. Maybe Dr. Peeper should have got his specialty in Gynecology and gotten as much, well we'll leave it there.

  3. Updating my POLST as I read this.


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