Hard no

I read that creepy Sam Adams is going to run for the Multnomah County commission, in my district no less. And just for a second there, I started to think: Anything's better than what we have now...

But then I came to my senses.

Two words: Arts tax.

Three more words: Tonguing the intern.

Never. Not ever.


  1. beau breedlove for county commission!

  2. Don't turn your back on him!

  3. Emily Boyles for City Council!

  4. Where are the adults in Portland?

    1. I think they pretty much all left. "Small donor" campaign financing guarantees that most of the electeds at the city level will be clowns. And apparently, only a few rugged souls are interested in taking on the portfolio of the county. It's 3-2 in favor of the bobbleheads over there at the moment.

  5. How is Sam not embarrassed to show his face in public around Portland? He has zero self-awareness. He needs to just go away!

  6. ^LOL dude, he was a consultant & staffer for Katz who’s never had a real job, &, much like the awful disgusting staffers for Feinstein who dragged her corpse across the line 1 more time so Newsom could appoint some other slug, elected or not, those staffers & deep burrowing ticks *never* go away.

    They just lay in the cut in a democrat/progressive deathstar state with captive voters / weary public without anywhere to go.

    He was on some episodes of Portlandia…creeps like him and Fed Armisson oughtta be birds of a feather!

    1. LOLZ. Don’t pretend it’s only a democrat thing or a Portland thing. Plenty of scummy republican versions of Sam all over the state and country.

  7. Funny how in the interest rate hike & money spigot/fire hose for the NGOs waning a bit…
    …’maybe I’ll get back into local government in these leaner times/recession?’

    He must smell a safe district/rotten borough the way a hobo smells a pie on a window sill, but with city council finding him toxic as a consultant or staffer & staffers being supposedly limited to 1, he must smell the low turnout/rotten Burrough & highest he can go for now without having to work in this economy?

  8. He is like one of those killers from the slasher movies. You can’t kill him off and he keeps reappearing to do more damage. But at this point it is questionable that he could even make matters worse. That could actually be a great campaign slogan!

  9. Sam is just a media distraction in the Portland political scene. The real bad apple is the county chair. But, for some reason, she seems to have a Teflon coating

  10. Vote for clowns, elect a circus.

  11. Another of Vera Katz's wunder kids. That group defending measure 110 is being funded out of New York. It's almost like they own P-Town.

  12. How many times do we have to flush this turd ? It just won't stay in the sewer pipe.

  13. He’s a grifter and public service means to him benefits, paycheck and power. I dealt with this turd up close. Not pretty friends. Idiot voters will X his name on recognition. Don’t forget his auto derby at Jabtzen Beach!!! Never forget the kid either.


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