Here we go

Wish us luck.


  1. So far, I seem to have weathered the debacle with minor issues. But, Several neighbors are looking at serious problems

  2. How did we survive when a “sliver thaw” was a surprise and didn’t consume the local tv stations for 3 to 4 days prior to the actual event?

    1. Sounds like you recently moved here. I was surprised at the restraint local TV news exhibited during this recent weather event. Perhaps because it started on a Saturday and there were football games.

    2. Actually I am a Portland native of 73 years, 50 of them here.
      Back I the olden days it was always a guessing game.
      And still is!

    3. Not really a guessing game any longer. The forecasts were very good this time around.

  3. StormCenter 9000.2 I miss your comments from your old blog when Portland went into panic mode over a couple inches of snow and the local news covered it like the Kennedy Assassination.

    1. My new blogging platform, Blogger, which makes life easier for me, doesn't allow the full-site mania that was possible in the old days. Plus, i got tired of the constant remote posts from the Sylvan overpass.


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